My Houston pics! (1 Viewer)

Awesome pics man,thanks for sharing!!
Wow none of us had an idea it was that much of a mess!

Thanx for sharing! Great shots!
Those pictures were great! After looking at the mud and rain I did a check on the weather for Las Vegas and no rain in the forecast for 4-12 through 4-15!
Ah.....the memories! Hey, where's the one of my feet? LMAO! ;)
Great pics Joe ! Did you know that Apple from Nitrofish is Shawn Carlson's long time girlfriend ?
Joe, you're going to have to stop posting pics now as I'm out of adjectives! Stellar photos, from a not so stellar weekend at the races. Thanks again for your great eye.

Great pics as always, but you're going to have to extend the photos past the 64 mark, I get bummed out when I near the end.

Outstanding - as always.

What I really like about your pics is that you manage to capture the flavor of a particular event by showing more than just the cars and the race teams. For instance, I even enjoy and appreciate the pictures that you shoot on the way to a track. You definitely have a good eye and an artists touch.
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