From the Charlotte Observer (1 Viewer)

Having Bruton add a drag strip anywhere is a positive for the sport. Nobody, does it better than Bruton.

A drag strip in the Charlotte area would have a very good local following. There are a fair number of drag racers working in those cup shops.

Oh, on the contrary, David! I still wonder if Bruton is still or wants to be involved with the HD thing and his willingness to consider adding a drag strip to Lowe's Motor Speedway shows he is truly interested in the potential of Drag racing. This one bears watching I think.
from where I'm setting, Charlotte is "closer" at least time wise than Bristol... call it about a 4 1/2 hour drive.... takes almost six to Bristol from here... so yeah, I hope so.... and have a place or two to crash in Charlotte:D
i would expect him to put a strip at all of his facilities that don't have one now.... Basicly every org has turned him down to buy them out.. so this is a move in the direction to have his own drag racing series....

the Cost of starting up and having a Drag series compared to his behind the scenes atempt to do an oval series many years ago... is a drop in the bucket when comparing the two...this could be the reason that the NHRA began talks with the HD Partners.... Smith could very well walk away with the top teams.. a better series sponsor package and tv deal... that PAID more to the drivers and teams could sinch it all up....Smith is all about CASH... what he can make for himself.... the good side of that is... he knows you have to pay out money to get the big names.. to get a top return for the company...

Smith has butted heads with two of the top people in motorsports in the US....(Frances/NASCAR and Tony George/IRL) and relised he needed them almost as much as they needed him... IMO .. he may feel that the two HRA's .. are no compitition and could vey well found his nitch to grab control of an motorsports area... Drag Racing...we have all said there is so much more potential to be had and used in drag racing... this may be the first step in someone taking our thoughts and their own to there FULL potential.....

Stay tuned it could get interesting....

David.. Atlanta has been holding 1/8th mile weekend runs for a while now on the ovals pit road.... that might have been the test run ....????

That would be very cool! That part of the country needs a top-tier drag racing facility in the worst way. You can't hardly swing a dead cat out there without hitting an 1/8 mi. track. Other than Darlington and Rockingham, there's not much in the way of 1/4 mi. venues and neither of them are anywhere close to being able to hold an NHRA event. With the unbelievable concentration of racers and shops in the area, I'll bet a Bruton-esque drag facility would be a huge hit! Hopefully he'll put one in at the DFW facility, too!
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I can see great things if this happens. That area is one of my favorite places to vacation, usually at the Goodguys show at Lowe's. There's a helluva lot to see and do there.
Actualy Tom... the only thing that has held the NHRA from coming back to Rockingham is the grandstand is too close to the strip... word is if they moved it back they got a date.... and part of the expansion stated early in the year for Rockinghams future is for the grand stands to be redone.....

It'd be he only NHRA sanctioned drag strip in the state, and there are a bunch (more than a dozen) of sanctioned drag strips in the state. It would be the only strip close to a major North Carolina city airport, a definite plus for fans and teams alike.

I wonder what Steve Earwood (owner of The Rock) thinks about this possibility. Such a facility might be good for both track owners and sanctioning bodies, some serious competition in the same market, but I'm no expert in that stuff...
Actualy Tom... the only thing that has held the NHRA from coming back to Rockingham is the grandstand is too close to the strip... word is if they moved it back they got a date.... and part of the expansion stated early in the year for Rockinghams future is for the grand stands to be redone.....


Really, that's all? Of course moving the grandstands at The Rock is a pretty damn big undertaking! Personally, I'd hate to see them change the seating at the Rockingham or Darlington ether one. There's no other place that I know of where a spectator can be that close and be reasonably safe. Wouldn't there have to be lots of other upgrades as well? It's been about 5 years since I've been out there but I don't recall getting the impression that the facilities are even close to being able to handle 3-4 days of NHRA-size crowds. Have there been significant upgrades since Fall 2001?
Actualy Tom... the only thing that has held the NHRA from coming back to Rockingham is the grandstand is too close to the strip... word is if they moved it back they got a date.... and part of the expansion stated early in the year for Rockinghams future is for the grand stands to be redone.....

The grandstands are incredibly close to the track, especially on the left lane side. There's really no room to move them back (they're built into the side of a hill), so they'd have to cut out the first 15 or 20 rows, putting the front row seats pretty high above the track surface, and add more seats farther down the track. ...or completely reconstruct the hill and the entire seating area. In either case, it'd be a major construction project.

Also, the tower is rather small. I don't know if it would meet current NHRA National event requirements. I think the pits are big enough, and they have enough parking space for spectators. It could get interesting.
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Verry interesting for sure ! Brutons track manager in Fort Worth told the news paper [ a few years ago ] no drag strip cause it was not profitable enough.
Bruton building a world class facility there would mean one of 3 things.
1. Bye Bye Billy Meyers Ennis facility!
2. Hello IHRA
3. Hello Smiths Calvacade of Stars ADRL type series.
A Pro series with a big purse.

Accually Billy Meyers is hosting the ADRL world finals in OCTOBER at Ennis and I'm wondering if NHRA previous threats of pulling santioning at the Texas Raceway facility will get shriller having it at a nationals track.

You think the NHRA folks were PO ed at a 1/8 mile NHRA track for hosting the world Finals ADRL race what are they going to do when their representive Nationals Track does it.
I don't recall a big fuss over ST Louis hosting ADRL but I don't keep track of local racing politics there.
Maybe someone from that area has got the skinny.
NHRA may be occupied with the HD Partners buyout right now and figure its soon to be someone elses problem.
Anyway Time will tell !
Just thinking......... But consider this.

If you wanted to control your own motorsports association and you couldn't buy it, just what would you do?

Well first you would start assembling some of the finest tracks around to drawn the best teams and exposure. Then after that is accomplished you would start expanding the number of these first class tracks till you had not only enough to start your own association but have enough swing to draw in other first class tracks with you to create a racing circuit.

Now if you threaten to do this and you have developed the swing to carry it off it would destroy any other association that would compete with you. So if this other said organization was owned by people who's main interest is making money, how fast would it take for them to sell the association which would complete the cycle.

So now you have a first class track circuit and a known association and possibly the future of drag racing as we know it.

Sounds far fetched???? Possibly but like I said "just thinking":D

Tom.. from what i was told.. the grandstand is the only real hold up... and its from the insurance company not NHRA... they would like more paved pit area.. but that can be worked with.. lot of people forget that the ROCK use to hold the Winston Invatational.. and the only reason it left was T Wayne (Winston Racing head) passed away and Bruton was allowed to buy it out from under Earwood... Parking is not a problem plenty of room across the street.. to the right of the facility and all around...

Don't forget also the crowd from the ADRL event.. it can handle the crowd...

Bob... as far as the tower goes.. its bigger than several current NHRA facilities... Maple Grove, Seattle to name a couple.. and its about the same sizer as the tower at Sears Point...the actual control tower at Vegas is half the size as the Current tower at The ROCK...

the Hill grandstands?.. According to an newspaper article Rockingham dragway is in line for a grant from the state of NC for tons of up grades...Which include the grandstands...which according to a local County rep who opened his mouth about some thing he wasn't suposed the deal was and is to buy the back stretch grandstand from the oval.. tear out the concrete current grand stands and put half the metal stands on one side and half on the other... moving them back to the (NHRA) insurance companies required distance ( which confuses me, i believe the smae company does the NHRA and the IHRA)...... this will also include the restrooms and consession stands that are part of them already...

Currently.. i believe that the staands at Rockingham can hold close to 28k (both sides) which is more than a couple NHRA tracks now also.. but the new stands will increase current seating to the 35k according to some paper work i have from the oval PR packages...

also part of the proposed work is adding the extra footage to the concrete pad to the 1/8th mile mark and past a bit...not NHRA required.. but a nice addition to the strip... more pit area paving.. more lighting.. some already done to the strip this year...from the starting line thru the shut down and turn off....couple extra restrooms in the pits.. and many other small things no one will even notice....mostly landscaping...

All these upgrades are on record as going to happen in the not to far future to make Rockingham Dragway better for the racers and fans.. its been published in the local papers and part of the report included qoutes from Earwood about the up grades.... What has not been confirmed from the track staff or owners is that they are for the switch to or addition of NHRA events... but many local suporters of the strip and many people accross the country feel or think is these upgrades are being done for the possible switch back to the NHRA....... If not .. its gonna make for one of the best strips the IHRA has...which there are still many years left on the IHRA contract to fulfill...

All the items i stated are public record.. so they are not nothing secret.....

however.. i will add this one piece... a former track employee i know rather well stated to me .. that up till the ROCK signed its newest agreement last year with the IHRA.. the NHRA was all over Earwood about returning to the NHRA.... Yes the NHRA went after HIM to sign back on....... they had talked to him off and on in the past ..but last year they heavily went after him...

lot of us regulers at Rockingham feel that the success of the ADRL event and the return to the IHRA for Rockingham Dragway was part of what led to the harrasement of the ADRL series... before that event the NHRA could care less about the

Heck the track must be great as is.. you come across several NHRA teamstesting here all the time... Ron Krisher was here this week before Indy

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Just a quick note to point out that Steve Earwood is still the owner of Rockingham Dragway. Smith purchased the Rockingham Speedway oval property....two separate entities.

Also, after the untimely passing of T. Wayne, a new director took over for Winston, changed the format of the Showdown and moved it to Bristol.

It was after that that Rockingham re-sanctioned with IHRA.

Billy, you addressed several things specifically that I generally referred to as facilities such as restrooms, lighting, and paved pit area. I'm glad to hear that the upgrades are coming. Parking is definitely not a problem, that's for sure! I'm aware of the crowd that ADRL brought but I was under the impression that was for only one day (maybe two?), not the 3 or 4 day onslaught that the NHRA circus creates. At any rate I think it's a kick-ass place for a dragrace and I wish I'd had the opportunity to put my little Mustang on it while I was out there, if for no other reason than just to say I did, lol. :D
Dave.. yeah i know about who owns what... Smith has tried to buy the Rock strip from Steve once before...but thats another

I grew up 5 miles from the strip and the oval... worked for both as a teenager with the Dewitts... and later thru Budweiser with the Seagos and Seago Dist... and i deal with Steve quite often... even put a bit of money is his pocket also....not just

There is (was ) a deal for Steve to buy the back stretch grandstands and move them to the strip... since the suposedly auction of the oval coming.. who knows what direction it is going in after Oct 2... this was in the published reports in the Fayetteville, Charlotte, and Rockingham papers..all part of a 3.5 million dollar expansion deal....think the paper listed it as 1.5 mil in NC grants... 1.5 mill form Earwood.. and 500k form the county.

Tom.. yeah the ADRL was basicly a 1 1/2 days but take the one full day times three..or four.. and i still believe thay can handle it... Steve got a great group working for him.. and finialy the county is believing in what he is doing and has plenty of suport from them...

And contrary to the reports from the ADRL event last year.. no public officials ever told them to stop selling tickets and close the gates due to concerns the number there...and their of fact the highway patrol enjoied working the area again...the problem was no one.. and i mean no one expected that type of crowd for that event....plesantly suprised everyone but one

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