Latrel Preston leaves Torco (2 Viewers)

Titanic sounds about right,lots of people went down with that boat also.Sad but true.I can see why Evan is feeing poorly,when the numbers on anyone of my companies arent good i dont feel so good either.Best of luck to Evan and Torco
This is turning out to be a bad deal all around for everyone involved. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I really hope that this whole saga is the result of Evan's health issues (not that I wish him to be ill), not not the result of rumored impropriety.
Why is anyone surprised? Down the road there will be more challenges as word is someone will be doing jail time for the fraud....
This is turning out to be a bad deal all around for everyone involved. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I really hope that this whole saga is the result of Evan's health issues (not that I wish him to be ill), not not the result of rumored impropriety.

Be sure and check under your pillow for that quarter. :D:D

Sure is a lot of silence from the Torco end of this deal.
Like others have stated, sounds like sinking ship.

It sounds like Mr. Knoll's heart was bigger than his wallet, he loved the sport more than he could afford it.

Thanks to Torco for all that it did.
I first met Latrell right after Evan hired him in 2004.

Latrell has always been a stand up guy doing the best he could with the information given to him. I know he was as frustrated as anyone when the poop started hitting the fan. And he stuck it out longer than you would expect anyone to.

Latrell was the one who was given the job of calling all of us when Evan pulled the plug on sponsorships for 2008. Imagine being the guy that had to make those calls.

I wish Latrell all the best. I'm sure he will land solidly on his feet.

Why is anyone surprised? Down the road there will be more challenges as word is someone will be doing jail time for the fraud....

Terry you and a few others were right about this from the beginning and to think some people on here dogged you when you posted on this subject.
You can only stay and try to do "damage control" so long before it starts to ruin your OWN reputation. It seems everyone is trying to cut all ties with Torco with Comp Plus and others this week alone saying adios!
Thanks Randy for sharing some positve info with us. It's easy to jump on the "I told you so" wagon with this one, I would hope that until any real news comes out that the bashing could be resisted. It's easy to trash someone without the facts. It has to be a tough situation to deal with for all those involved.
Thanks Randy for sharing some positve info with us. It's easy to jump on the "I told you so" wagon with this one, I would hope that until any real news comes out that the bashing could be resisted. It's easy to trash someone without the facts. It has to be a tough situation to deal with for all those involved.

Thanks, John.

Latrell and I spoke at lengths on several occasions. As a loyal employee and friend he did what he could and what he was told.

Just remember. Whatever comes of all this, Latrell Preston was and is a great guy.

Just like that spray painted sign on the once magnificent tower at Orange County. "We're closed. It's all over."

Nope, nobody should be surprised and anyone that recieved sponsor money when it was hot and heavy should be greatful. Torco just didn't know when to stop.
I surely take no pleasure from Torco and Evans troubles.

They are not alone in that boat and many more will be joining soon if things don't get better.

I sure don't like the way things are going, when Nascar is short cars and losing sponsors it don't bode well for NHRA who was once for sale.
If anyone can bounce back it's the USA , and what is more USA than Drag Racing and Custom cars.
Whether or not the situation at Torco is as bad as some predict, how many sponsors have done for drag racing what Evan Knoll's done over the past 3-4 years? Like John said; until we hear some concrete facts as to what is exactly going on, keep the Evan Bashing to yourself please.
Like others have stated, sounds like sinking ship.

It sounds like Mr. Knoll's heart was bigger than his wallet, he loved the sport more than he could afford it.

Thanks to Torco for all that it did.
Paul, I applaud your "high road" approach to this touchy situation and I concur.

I too, will choose to remember the good things Torco did for so many others rather than relish in their difficulties.
Rummor on the "street" from some one who talks to Evan daily said Mr. Knoll is in JAIL..... If your out there Evan and this isnt true set the record straight.. Everyone on here should know by now ALL my post are FACT...

The only thing rich people go to jail for are fraud and imbesslement


P.S. I dont ever post till i know for sure but im trusting my source on this one

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