Boooo ESPN2 (2 Viewers)


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I thought in TV 101 they would teach people to not give away the ending of a show before its over.

I was watching the coverage last night, middle of pro stocks first round when all of a sudden the crawler at the bottom of the screen lists off who beat who in the final round of all 4 classes. DOH!!!!!
I made reference to that in another thread, I go into full sequester mode on raceday and that really iritated me that they did that. They haven't done that in a few years so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that it was a one-time screw up.
wow! i didnt see that , if i did damn id be mad! espn sucks period! thed never do that for a mens tennis match, or a spelling bee or rock-paper-scissor match!
I the crawler at the bottom of the screen lists off who beat who in the final round of all 4 classes. DOH!!!!!

I saw it too.
Somebody screwed up! I don't think I've ever seen that happen before (or since - I THINK it only ran one time).

Seriously, given my short term memory and reading comprehension challenges, I only knew Eddie K was in the bike final and Force was in the Funny Car final. It flashed so quickly, I didn't know who won.....

Otherwise, a good show.

BTW: 1 hour qualifying show comments? IMHO: if it's going to run at 1:00am, it might as well be limited to 1 hour. At least I was able to watch it before the I watched the Sunday evening show. Started NHRA Today at about the time the race show went on-then the qualifying show -- Zapped thru all the ads and finished all 3 shows at about the same time the race show was over. I be lovin' that TIVO!!!!
Yep. I learned the hard way to quit paying attention to those scrolls. I can't stand them anyway.

I figure the people who control those are probably locked up in another part of the building somewhere, completely cut off from the production portion of the organization, and have no idea what's on the channel.

Probably sitting there playing pac man and centipede.:rolleyes:
A 1-hour qualifying show? Ironic that the only recent Saturday qualifying sessions that shuffled the fields ended up with the least TV coverage. Everybody complains that nothing changes on Saturday, but both sessions this Saturday shuffled the fields and there were some major moves in the final sessions.
I was NOT happy about this!! I said the same thing...why run results during a program? Hubby mentioned most of their "major" sports are carried live. Good point, we're second class again.

Unfortunately, I tend to multitask and sometimes glance down at the ticket to see how the hometown teams did. It's hard to not watch when you see "John Force vs. Kenny Bernstein" scroll by!!
I watch ESPN2 just to see if my imagination is the same as what happened... Audiocast to TV... and I don't watch if my favs go out early...

the only thing I didn't like was points scrolling across the top,
wow! i didnt see that , if i did damn id be mad! espn sucks period! thed never do that for a mens tennis match, or a spelling bee or rock-paper-scissor match!

ESPN does stupid crap like this all the time .. It happened for the IRL race at Texas this year .. they tape delayed it 25 minutes or so, due to some live event running over .. then the scroll showed the winner of the race with about 20 laps left ..

the hour qualifying show bothered me also .. at least make it worth staying up late to watch it.
they did it during an indy car race earlier this year too. they're morons. I hate their stupid 'ticker'
we aren't gamblers who need to know if boise st beat east kalamazoo, so they should just turn the damn thing off during motorsports. try being an F1 fan and watching espn. They always screw it up for me.
I don't even pay attention to the rubbish on the scroll at the bottom. It's usually about a sport that only requires one ball :D
My husband literally reached over and covered my eyes with his giant hand and said "Don't look!"

We were at my in-law's house and he had flipped to ESPN to see something else. Since we were out, we had set up the DVR to record eliminations. Hubby knows I hate it when the results are ruined. Stupid ESPN.

I was watching a race a while back, you know, the one where Force finally won? Yeah, so I was flipping back and forth between the race coverage and ESPN just to see what else was going on. SportsCenter was on, if I remember right, and the race coverage was heading into the semis and those motherf***ers showed the funny car final on SportsCenter. I was so pissed. Was stomping around the house cursing, scaring pets, causing my husband to quake in fear.

I understand why the coverage is tape delayed. But, damn it, ESPN could you at least wait until after the eliminations coverage on the deuce is over before you start prattling on about it on ESPN. I suppose I should be happy they even mention it during SportsCenter ... sigh.

Ah, well. This is the life of a drag racing fan, right? Trying mighty hard to be grateful for what we got even if it is mighty hard. :p
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