Texas City Names (2 Viewers)

Suzie Q

Nitro Member
I know this is a little long, but I hope you all get a kick out of this!

A little Geography lesson for all - Here's a list of actual

places in Texas:

Need to be cheered up?

Happy, Texas 79042
Pep , Texas 79353
Smiley , Texas 78159
Paradise , Texas 76073
Rainbow , Texas 76077
Sweet Home , Texas 77987
Comfort , Texas 78013
Friendship, Texas 76530

Love the Sun?

Sun City , Texas 78628
Sunrise , Texas 76661
Sunset, Texas 76270
Sundown, Texas 79372
Sunray , Texas 79086
Sunny Side , Texas 77423

Want something to eat?

Bacon , Texas 76301
Noodle , Texas 79536
Oatmeal , Texas 78605
Turkey , Texas 79261
Trout , Texas 75789
Sugar Land , Texas 77479
Salty, Texas 76567
Rice , Texas 75155

And top it off with:

Sweetwater , Texas 79556

Why travel to other cities? Texas has them all!

Detroit , Texas 75436
Colorado City , Texas 79512
Denver City , Texas 79323
Nevada , Texas 75173
Memphis , Texas 79245
Miami , Texas 79059
Boston , Texas 75570
Santa Fe , Texas 77517
Tennessee Colony , Texas 75861
Reno , Texas 75462

Feel like traveling outside the country? Don't bother

buying a plane ticket!

Athens, Texas 75751
Moscow, Texas 75960
Canadian , Texas 79014
China , Texas 77613
Egypt , Texas 77436
Italy, TX 76651
Turkey , Texas 79261
London , Texas 76854
New London , Texas 75682
Paris , Texas 75460

No need to travel to Washington D.C.

Whitehouse , Texas 75791

They even have a city named after our planet!

Earth , Texas 79031

And a city named after their State!

Texas City , Texas 77590


Energy , Texas 76452


Blanket , Texas 76432
Winters, Texas 79567

Like to read about History?

Santa Anna, Texas 76878
Goliad, Texas 77963
Alamo, Texas 78516
Gun Barrel City, Texas 75147

Need Office Supplies?

Staples , Texas 78670

Men are from Mars, women are from

Venus , Texas 76084

You guessed it... it's on the state line...

Texline , Texas 79087

For the kids...

Kermit , Texas 79745
Elmo , Texas 75118
Nemo , Texas 76070
Tarzan , Texas 79783
Winnie , Texas 77665
Sylvester , Texas 79560

Other city names in Texas , to make you smile..... :

Frognot , Texas 75424
Bigfoot , Texas 78005
Hogeye , Texas 75423
Cactus , Texas 79013
Notrees , Texas 79759
Best, Texas 76932
Veribest , Texas 76886
Kickapoo , Texas 75763
Dime Box, Texas 77853
Telephone , Texas 75488
Telegraph , Texas 76883
Whiteface , Texas 79379
Twitty, Texas 79079

P.S. Whoops, left out

Muleshoe 79347
Cut n shoot 77303
Hoop And Holler
Ding Dong 79029,
and don't forget......

Farewell , Texas

And, of course, there is a place in Texas that is......


And last but not least. The Anti-Al Gore City

Kilgore , Texas 75662
Love it! I found out today there is also an Atlanta, TX.
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I love my little town. It makes working in H-town bearable. I get to go home to the 'country' every night. There are only 1300 residents in the city limits, but 10,000 in the zip code. :)
I remember when Plano was that small in 1977! Now, I couldn't even tell you how many people are there. When I go to visit my Mom & Dad, I am just blown away at how much it has changed. My Brother Jim and his family came down for Father's Day and he was pretty shocked too!

Are the boys ready for the Tourney tomorrow? Y'all have a great time!
Ha we got you beat here in Michigan

The town of Climax is here, so is Hell
Ha we got you beat here in Michigan

The town of Climax is here, so is Hell
The problem with your logic Pee, is that you always jump up and down thinking you won after visiting the first town, and that really is not something to be celebrating or real proud of... :D I'm sure Mrs. P tells you that all the time... ;)
Woo-Hoo I win... I dont tink so!!

I'm sure you are told to GTH quite often... :eek: Do you actually go?? :p

BTW- I like frognot the best...

When ordering anything over the phone, people have got to think this person is making this sh!t up...
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Poor PJ!!! Ray you just love administering spankin's to the the best looking man in a pair of pink tights I have ever seen!:p

Kelly, I hope the weather is great and the boys bring home the Wally, I mean....Bally! oh, you know what I mean!
There's also a Cleveland, TX.
Cleveland is just North of me. I remember when I started driving I hadn't ventured too far out of Pasadena or the SE Houston area. The first time I went North on 59 I saw the sign for Cleveland and thought.....wth?! Why have a sign for Cleveland, OH all the way down here?! :D
I have been walking around signing that song all day cuz of you Suzie lol

And Ray I actually used to work near Hell (the town) Now I work there (current job)

As for the other Town and Mrs P. As long as she hangs on the ride always end their together although its a great place to drive back and forth through:cool:. Thanks for your concern though:p
Cleveland is just North of me. I remember when I started driving I hadn't ventured too far out of Pasadena or the SE Houston area. The first time I went North on 59 I saw the sign for Cleveland and thought.....wth?! Why have a sign for Cleveland, OH all the way down here?! :D
Hey, Kelly, good luck to the kidlins and isn't Pasadena in California? Don't they have some big parade involving flowers or somethin?
Hey, Kelly, good luck to the kidlins and isn't Pasadena in California? Don't they have some big parade involving flowers or somethin?

Thanks! And I think I've heard of that. The only one I know of for sure is the one where they filmed 'Urban Cowboy' at Gilley's in 1980. :p
I have been walking around signing that song all day cuz of you Suzie lol

And Ray I actually used to work near Hell (the town) Now I work there (current job)

As for the other Town and Mrs P. As long as she hangs on the ride always end their together although its a great place to drive back and forth through:cool:. Thanks for your concern though:p
ROTFLMAO- :D You win...

Ding- paints dry, gotta go sand
But I knew about Urban Cowboy because of Debra Winger. Don't know if anyone remembers, but she was dating the Governor of Nebraska, Bob Kerry for a while and she was in and around Lincoln quite often.
PJ, I would like to see maybe some tie-dyed tights on that awsome bod of yours! I think you would look so much sexier than Gary Scelzi!!! Here Kitty Kitty!!!
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