Please pray for my Mother! (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
This morning around 7AM my 81 year old mother was transported by Ambulance to the Hospital with breathing problems. She had been on oxygen for the last 3-4 years, but on Friday she thought she was coming down with a cough/cold. Last night she called me to ask to buy some Nyquil for her, and last night appeared to be ok. So far they think it could be pneumonia, but we're Not sure as of yet! To all my friends your prayers would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
Oh, Joe.....I'm so sorry. Of course y'all are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted!
Joe, I know the feelings. I just move my 95 year old mom from no. calif. down to so calif to be closer to me. I loved it, she made the 7 hour trip down here with only 2 stops. Had her out back yesterday with our 4 dogs and it was great. Our saint bernard is a big baby that just loves her.:D :p ;)
Thanks everyone for the concern, Jenn she was taken to Kaseman. But they Moved her to Pres. becuase they have a Pulminary specialist there.
Hey Joe, I have prayed and will continue to pray for God's will to be done in your mothers health. Please keep us posted.
Joe, my thoughts and prayers are with your mother and your entire family.
Well Everyone, Good news.........So far! She's breathing much better now, even her color's much better! We're hoping that she'll be released on Tues! Thanks for the Prayers, I have No doubt they helped out in a BIG way!:)
Great news Joey!
Thank you for asking. It's an honor to be included in such a circle.
Give your mother all our love.
Just saw this thread.

Joe, That is awesome news and I'll be praying for her continued improvement also for strength for you and your family as you go through these uneasy times.
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