AZ Nats Schedules (1 Viewer)

Have fun everyone. I hear that's what it's all about ... It would be a lie if I said last years picture of you both is my screensaver, but I still can't get that floppy sombrero off my mind, or find one Cliff.

Got my floppy hat at Costco some years ago. Helps with sunburn.

OK< 5 AM, and it;s raining in Phx. What? So checking all the weather and they say cloudy part of the day then sunny. If it's raining at my place, will be dry at Wild Horse, or vice versa. Heh Well, they won't run the Pros until 5 PM, so have the whole day to wander around the pits. :)
Got my floppy hat at Costco some years ago. Helps with sunburn.

OK< 5 AM, and it;s raining in Phx. What? So checking all the weather and they say cloudy part of the day then sunny. If it's raining at my place, will be dry at Wild Horse, or vice versa. Heh Well, they won't run the Pros until 5 PM, so have the whole day to wander around the pits. :)
I am in Peoria and when I just walked outside the ground was wet lol. But looking at the radar it is scattered all in the north valley. Nothing has made it down to the track.
Nitromater guys hanging out at WHP on Friday. Cliff Morgan and Gary Hart.
Not sure what size underwear you wear Cliff, but we gotta work out a trade. My neighbors wife has some really nice stuff if you'd like...

Naw..... How about hats? My infamous Costco hat keeps coming down on my forehead & I can't see..... heh
If I had a hat, I wouldn't want yours so much. I don't want you to burn or freckle, so I'll continue the search. If you change your mind just get ahold of me.

She really does have some nice stuff though ... ha
Ray, go to your room....
It's warmer in the garage right now.
Not trying to get you in trouble with Gail, and forced to eat okra in your oatmeal for breakfast.

Ah Jeez, I hope Bob doesn't read this ... ;)
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