Allen Reinhart--Question...driving a F/C? (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 8, 2006
Waukee, Iowa
I am sure I just missed it, and it has already been discussed. Can anyone tell me what they were talking with Allen about on the audio cast? I heard Jim Head talking to him on the big end about driving a Nitro Car????? Did I hear that right????

Re: Allen Reinhart--Question

I heard that today also........ Prob just an inside joke..........A????
Re: Allen Reinhart--Question

I heard that today also........ Prob just an inside joke..........A????
I really don't think it is a joke... I thought I heard Capps say the same thing to him last night... And Alan does have more than a few connections you know... :)

Of course they will have to put the motor 85" out for Mr. daddy long legs, and probably move the radio and A/C controls to a different local... :eek:

If I find anything out, I'll have to keep it to myself as usual... :(

Being in the know, sure blows sometimes... :D

Re: Allen Reinhart--Question

Hey guys,

I'm in Edmonton doing the IHRA race and haven't talked to Alan since earlier in the week, and obviously I'm not able to monitor the audiocast, but I will say this;

BOTH Alan and I would love the opportunity to slide into a Nitro car, it's something we've discussed numerous times, Eddie & Ercie even gave me a shot in the seat in Houston during a warmup session, and all that did was fuel the fire even more.

Alan IS fairly well connected with many in the fuel ranks, and did just spend several days at Jim Heads place before Norwalk, so I'm sure at some point in time the discussion probably took place.
With the time difference between the east coast and Edmonton we most likely won't chat again until Monday or Tuesday, but be certain I'll ask when we chat, damn him if he gets the shot first,,,,,,,,,,

Re: Allen Reinhart--Question

Yeah, I'd love to see Alan pull a Jon Asher.... Who remembers SS/DI and Jon's two part "I drove a Funny Car, ON FIRE" piece? Early '72?
Re: Allen Reinhart--Question

Just got off the phone with Alan.

Makes a person go hhhhmmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This could get interesting,

Head did say that with his back if it wasn't for the countdown that he would have had someone else driving a few weeks ago.


Could it be that Alan starts his own rumors just so we'll talk about him lol:D
I'm a big fan of Alan's, and if this is real, it would be cool. I was just curious if Alan has any driving experience? I believe that I've read he has raced some door cars in the past, and I know he has a lot of mechanical ability as well. I also know it takes more than a couple of runs to get comfy in a fuel car. Either way, good luck Alan in persuing this if it is in fact really happening.
I can guarantee I would be real comfortable after driving a fuel car just once. Probably sitting comfortably on my couch saying "Holy #### I'll never try that again! :D

I would like to give it a shot, though.
You know how sometimes someone will overhear a little part of a conversation, and then fill in the part that they didn't hear, get it completely wrong, and then decide that they have all the facts and they are the first with the scoop?

And then sometimes someone will hear an entire conversation that they shouldn't have heard, and even though it wasn't supposed to get out yet they just can't help spilling the beans?

One of those is what happened here,

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You know how sometimes someone will overhear a little part of a corversation, and then fill in the part that they didn't hear, get it completely wrong, and then decide that they have all the facts and they are the first with the scoop?

And then sometimes someone will hear an entire conversation that they shouldn't have heard, and even though it wasn't supposed to get out yet they just can't help spilling the beans?

One of those is what happened here,

LOL..well that narrows it down, Alan! Don't you just love speculation. NITROMATERLATION
I am sure I just missed it, and it has already been discussed. Can anyone tell me what they were talking with Allen about on the audio cast? I heard Jim Head talking to him on the big end about driving a Nitro Car????? Did I hear that right????


How would they get the roof hatch closed?
You know how sometimes someone will overhear a little part of a corversation, and then fill in the part that they didn't hear, get it completely wrong, and then decide that they have all the facts and they are the first with the scoop?

And then sometimes someone will hear an entire conversation that they shouldn't have heard, and even though it wasn't supposed to get out yet they just can't help spilling the beans?

One of those is what happened here,


:confused:Alan is the glass half full or half empty???????????????????
You know how sometimes someone will overhear a little part of a corversation, and then fill in the part that they didn't hear, get it completely wrong, and then decide that they have all the facts and they are the first with the scoop?

And then sometimes someone will hear an entire conversation that they shouldn't have heard, and even though it wasn't supposed to get out yet they just can't help spilling the beans?

One of those is what happened here,



Today on "How Alan's Driving World Turns..."
Alan Reinhart, the next Whit Bazemore!

Hey, it could happen! ;)
Would he double as his own interviewer on the top end?
Would he wear a headset in car so we could heat what he hears going down the track?

There's so many questions that bother us so...

Well at least we now know that it either is or is not true. THanks for clearing that up Alan:D

Hey if it goes to a 2 car team, remember me
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