The Bazemore Files Debuts (2 Viewers)

"Yeah, just drive it to half track, and ya know, if you make it that far, ya might as well reach down and just put the thing in high, ya know what I mean? Might as well just go all the way kid..."

my favorite part....the allegorical Snake....

most self-help books could contain this one pretty-much works with all things in life. but then, who would buy a book with one page between the covers?
Man those are great, thanks for posting them. And I would have to say that Bazemore more than paid Pulde back by putting him in the Smoking Joe's car.;)
Great article Bobby/Whit and awesome shots Whit!
Great to be reminded of why I was drawn to this sport years ago.
Thanks for lugging around that film for all of these years Whit and getting back around to it all of these years later. The results are spectacular!
Bobby's cheap attempt at sensationalism!

What's your problem? It's not sensationalism at all. The pics could be taken by joe blow, drag racing fans would still look at it. It just happens to be Whit. Don't like him all you want, but he was a great driver, told it like it was whether it was wrong or right, and was a very accomplished photographer. Just leave the hate out of this thread as it just doesn't belong. Also, Bobby's site is successful enough that he doesn't need sensationalism like some others.

Excellent photo journal.
Yawn? Yawn? Really?

Dude, Martha Stewart reruns are on right now. Go tune in if this stuff bores you.

Or sit in the rocker and pet your cat to your heart's content.

But since you seem a little unclear on this, let me remind you this is a drag racing forum.

If this ain't your speed, head on down to the fabric shop and see if you can pick up some pretty new material for that fall dress you've been dreaming about.

Clearly, and throughout his career as a driver, Whit rarely left people without an opinion. What a lot of people appear to have forgotten, or would simply like to forget, is that Whit was one of the few drivers willing to voice his opinion on a variety of subjects (full disclosure: I’ve known Whit for more years than I care to remember, and have great respect for his having gone from being behind the wall with a camera to winning races on the track with both Top Fuel and Funny Cars). It’s evident that Whit’s willingness to bare his soul didn’t and doesn’t sit “right” with some people.

During his heydays with the Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan could do no wrong, and pity the player who ever said anything negative about him to the press. It horrified many when Jordan’s heavy gambling habit was exposed. It offended those purists who could only see Jordan the basketball player, not Jordan the man.

It’s the same with Bazemore. A lot of people, obviously including some of the posters here – well, at least one of them – would prefer their drivers remaining silent, or mouthing platitudes and clichés in every interview. That wasn’t and will never be Whit Bazemore. If you ask him a question, he’s going to give you his honest answer, and if you don’t like that answer, don’t ask the question.

In 2007 Whit lost the Denver finale to then-teammate Hot Rod Fuller, and went off at the finish line. We reported the whole thing. After his tirade Whit had calmed down to the point of being concerned about his actions. He actually asked me not to use what happened. Despite our friendship, I told Whit, “You said that stuff, and you’re responsible for your own words. We’re going with it.”

We did, and here it is:

That was nothing compared to the tirade Top Fuel runner-up Whit Bazemore launched into, with all of his venom aimed at teammate and event winner Hot Rod Fuller. Bazemore climbed from his car and stated in no uncertain terms to team PR man Ted Yerzyk, “This relationship is over,” meaning whatever relationship he may have once had with Fuller. Bazemore’s ire was based on Fuller’s having quickly lit both staging lights at once.

Bazemore then offered congratulations and handshakes to every member of Fuller’s team – except Fuller himself.

He then turned to his own crew and said, “His light went on and I went like this (indicating yanking on the brakes), but it was too late. ****! Let’s go to the airport!”

Fuller then told, “I didn’t mean to do that. I made a mistake and put both bulbs on, and my teammate took offense to that. I don’t know what his problem is. It’s drag racing. I didn’t dictate what he had to do. It wouldn’t have bothered me if I was in the other lane. I would have just done my own deal and rolled in there. I think he’s just upset that he got beat. He’s talked a lot of smack about how much better Funny Car drivers are than Top Fuel drivers, but that wasn’t the case today.”

The point is that Whit is a unique individual who was very good for drag racing. His photography is as exceptional as was his driving. If you just don’t happen to like the guy, that’s your call, but no matter how you see it, that feature was anything but a yawn.

Jon Asher
Senior Editor
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1988, last car pitted past bridge @ BIR - body all white / no sponsors.
later in evening guy wrenching under car - asked him whose car this was.
he said mine (he was gary evans) and whit bazemore drives it.
first time i heard their names.
I first ran into Bazemore, in person, at the Texas Motorplex somewhere around 1990. I don't recall whether or not his FC did well but I do remember him having an entire platoon of dollies following him around. So he must have been doing something right. :)
I never found myself a Fuller fan, mainly for his entire DSR opposition campaign he ran talking smack about Dark Side Racing any chance he got when in reality it just came off sore loserish. During that entire time no one at DSR sunk to that level. Then after all the crap he talked he had the nerve to be a hipocrite and drive for DSR! Never sat well with me. I also am pretty sure Whit would of had a much better season in his TF debut if all the sponsor money wasn't also paying unsponsored Fuller's team and just stayed with Baze. Honestly, David Powers was a good guy tho.
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Great shots I don't care who took them ! That Whit took them is icing on the cake !
With today's Digital cams great shots are much easier ! Back then not so easy !
Mark I know you love Drag Racing ! Go with that thought !
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