Prayers needed (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
My wife Michelle and I are expecting our first child and this week was supposed to be a very exciting week as we were supposed to find out the sex. Instead when we got the results of the amniocentesis back and got the worst news possible. Our daughter has Trisomy 18 also known as Edwards syndrome. This is basically a fatal diagnosis as most of the babies die before birth and those who do make it to birth typically live for only a few days. Less then 10% last more then a year. Trisomy 18 occurs occurs when a baby has three of the eighteenth chromosome. Luckily we have been told that there is less then a 1% chance of this happening to us again and that there was nothing we did to cause this.

My wife and I got engaged back in 2003 on Maui on the Road to Hana at Waimoku Falls and had already decided if we had a girl that she would be named Hannah Joyce Vail or Hana for short. Her middle name, Joyce, is her mothers maiden name. At this point in time we are still in shock. We ask that you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Jim, Michelle, and Hana
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So sorry to hear such news Jim & Michelle,
Who knows why the Lord allows one child to be perfectly healthy and another to be called home so soon. I believe it has a great deal to do with relieving them of their earthly test due to their being extremely valiant in the pre-existence. In a sense, they don't have to prove anything here. May you both have faith & strength sufficient to see you all through this time and one day enjoy a wonderful family. This is our prayer.
I truely hope everything works out well for you guys. I'll be praying for you.

. At this point in time we are still in shock. We ask that you please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Jim, Michelle, and Hana

I am very, very sorry to hear this Jim. You and your family will be kept in my thoughts and prayers throughout this rough time. Hang in there buddy and know that we are thinking about you and will be praying daily.
On behalf of Michelle, Hana, and myself I would like to thank all of you who have either posted and prayed or just silently prayed for us. It means the world to us and is helping us to get through this difficult time. We ask that you please continue to keep us in you prayers and thoughts.

Jim, Michelle, and Hana
Notes like yours are just so tough to read. Most of us have been through enough of life to have suffered heartache and tragedy of some sort, but facing the difficult times that you and your wife are enduring now is almost too difficult and painful for most of us to even contemplate. Please know that at least for me and my family, we will be thinking of you often and hoping for the best news possible.
My wife Michelle and I are expecting our first child and this week was supposed to be a very exciting week as we were supposed to find out the sex. Instead when we got the results of the amniocentesis back and got the worst news possible.

Jim and Michelle - our hearts go out to you. We lost a son in 1980 who lived less than a week - it still hurts. As Bobby said, we have no idea why these things happen. I hope you can find some help with your grief . . hoping that the Faulkners might see this and put you in touch with their foundation.
Your friends here have you in their prayers - Jim and Jeannie
The person who would have been my only brother lived for two days when I was a kid. I have a lot of understanding of what you guys are enduring. Most sincere condolences for what you're going through.
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