Just checking Driver Blogs.. (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
I was just checking driver Blogs... Whit & EE have not posted since Aug 17.. I know Whit has been making some test laps.. but as far as I can see on any Drag sites EE has not made ANY runs at all... Anyone have any thoughts on this.. does the "Team Boss" think she is ready for Indy, or are they trying to set the car up the way SC has decided since he has been moved to R&D...

Maybe he has come up with some new found HP on the dyno.. but I know for any chassis changes they should be making some test laps...

Anyone know maybe DSR rented a track for private sessions, or are they just giving EE a rest from her hetec schedule.. so she can go to Indy well rested... Only reason I ask is I have not heard 1 peep about the DSR PS Team
I've never tried doing a blog of any sort, but my guess is it takes a TON of time. And if I wasn't performing to expectations, I wouldn't be so excited to let everyone know How Pissed off I was about it.:eek:
Yes, Joe, the blogs do take time. I know the few blogs my husband did for Team CSK took some time. It bothers me that people think the blog should be updated every other day but if that were to happen people would get bored of what was written.
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