Capps speaks! (1 Viewer)

I like Capps but he's not the supreme leader of all things NHRA and gets to decide what does and does not get discussed.

“The bad thing is that people are making assumptions. We know the result were the harmonics from the tire flapping around. What caused that, we don’t know. I assure everyone…and I can’t speak for John…but in talking to him and knowing him very well…the truth will come out and I’m sure it will be before Las Vegas.
Sure sounds like tire failure to me.
I can understand where Ron Capps and others are coming from...

OTOH, talking about and discussing (and wild speculation) about something like this is a coping mechanism for a lot of was a horrible accident and one of the ways people deal with it is talking about it and trying to figure it out...

sure many are "talking out their butts", but that's all it is, just talk, it's not like internet message boards are treated as reliable, unimpeachable sources or anything...

I just don't see what the big deal is about the all keyboard crew chief's speculations :confused:
Just to show you how easy it is for the things to be misinterpreted when we start quoting sources. This is from

Notice how the headlines says Medlin shaken to death, but the actual quote from the doctor is that he was probably shaken to death. I'm sure that did not intentionally leave out the word probably, but the doctor was leaving the possibility that additional evidence might prove him wrong.

::: Drag Racing Online ::: Columns - Agent 1320 - 3/30/2007
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I like Capps but he's not the supreme leader of all things NHRA and gets to decide what does and does not get discussed.
Brent, I can't speak for anyone else, and I don't claim to know what Ron's reason or motivation is for anything he said in that article. However, I don't think he (or anyone else for that matter) is trying to stifle discussions about what caused Eric's death because he feels holier than thou or because he wants to control what's discussed or not discussed. If you look back over the days since Eric's accident, the Medlens and JFR have asked people not to speculate or start rumors as to the cause of it because it's painful to them. Maybe some people don't understand why. Maybe others don't think what they say could be painful or have an effect on those who loved Eric. But no matter the reason, they've very kindly asked for everyone to refrain from having certain discussions on the boards and such, and it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. That, in my opinion, is completely disrespectful and inappropriate at best. So if I am even close to being warm on this one, I believe Ron is just making a plea with the fans and everyone else to honor the wishes of the Medlens and JFR and let's all ban together and set aside our curiosities and do the right thing by allowing them to grieve and to conduct this investigation without adding to the stress and heartache. That's just my .02 anyway.
I think he was only trying to make the point there is a difference between productive thought and mental masturbation, especially when connected to the internet, microphone, or word processor... ;)
I think he was only trying to make the point there is a difference between productive thought and mental masturbation, especially when connected to the internet, microphone, or word processor... ;)
Mental masturbation..LOL

Some people just can't help it..even when asked to refrain.
It is amasing how much of an effect internet message boards can have on this sport . Capps is right in what he ses , but I think one of the main reason people have talked about is to get some sort of closure and help deal with the situation
I think one of the main reasons we speculate and rant about things is we have way too much time on our included.....
Stupidity is the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking intelligence, as opposed to being merely ignorant or uneducated. This quality can be attributed to both an individual (e.g. Penny Person is stupid) or a person's actions, words or beliefs (e.g., Penny Person's policies are stupid). The term can thus also refer to poor use of judgement, or insensitivity to nuances in a person who is otherwise intelligent. The determination of who is stupid is relatively difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and thus stupidity) such as IQ tests. The adjective is also used as a general pejorative (e.g. I didn't borrow your stupid cap - go look for it yourself).

This definition is borrowed from Wikipedia and I thought that it fit here as it usually does. Capps is on the scene so to speak and knows a lot more than we so called fans do...So why cant we sit back and wait instead of keeping up all this banter!!!
I think one of the main reasons we speculate and rant about things is we have way too much time on our included.....

I'm multitasking. Watching the race and posting.

The reason we speculate is that we care. Period. This isn't F1, where we never get close to the drivers, where they are insular snobs who are too good to sign autographs even for their own sponsors employees ( Kimi ).
NHRA encourages us to get close, to invest ourselves emotionally in these drivers , why , because it makes it more fun . They know it's good business to advertise "every tickets a pit pass"

The drivers don't go to the RITZ for dinner, they go to the local sports bar, and we go too, hoping to say hello.
So to turn around when something bad happens and and try to control what fans post about it is futile.

I don't know why anyone takes what is posted here so seriously. Opinions about what caused the accident are just that . Nothing more.
Getting angry at someone who posts something here about what they think caused the accident or Eric's injuries seems to me to be misdirected.
What we are really all angry about is that Eric is gone.
I'm multitasking. Watching the race and posting.

The reason we speculate is that we care. Period. This isn't F1, where we never get close to the drivers, where they are insular snobs who are too good to sign autographs even for their own sponsors employees ( Kimi ).
NHRA encourages us to get close, to invest ourselves emotionally in these drivers , why , because it makes it more fun . They know it's good business to advertise "every tickets a pit pass"

The drivers don't go to the RITZ for dinner, they go to the local sports bar, and we go too, hoping to say hello.
So to turn around when something bad happens and and try to control what fans post about it is futile.

I don't know why anyone takes what is posted here so seriously. Opinions about what caused the accident are just that . Nothing more.
Getting angry at someone who posts something here about what they think caused the accident or Eric's injuries seems to me to be misdirected.
What we are really all angry about is that Eric is gone.

You've made some great points, but I remember when Alan Reinhart first asked us to stop speculating on what happened to Eric soon after the accident, it was because Eric's family was upset by all of the rumors and speculation.
I like Capps but he's not the supreme leader of all things NHRA and gets to decide what does and does not get discussed.

Sure sounds like tire failure to me.

It didn't fail if IT did what it was supposed to do. If something was there that shouldn't have been that cut it, that's not an indication of tire FAILURE.
You've made some great points, but I remember when Alan Reinhart first asked us to stop speculating on what happened to Eric soon after the accident, it was because Eric's family was upset by all of the rumors and speculation.

I sorta doubt that Eric's family was reading the message boards at that point, while Eric was fighting for his life. I suspect some self-important buffoon was saying to them, " Do you know what I just read?", or words to that effect.
In all seriousness I think people should have a voice to say what they feel. Right or wrong its there opinion. You don't have to agree with it although you do have to respect there opinion and don't flame them for doing so. If you don't want to read something don't click on it. Do you really think that the NHRA or JFR is going to browse the internet to find the solution from someone that said something in a message board. I think not. In todays world news can travel very fast over the internet. It gives people a way to voice there opinions and speculate as to what happen. Right or Wrong its still their right to have a voice.

The wine and cheese party will start promptly at 1a.m. PST.

Welcome to world of the internet Ron. Don't forget some of the "speculators" may be buying that blue stuff you sell.

The Wally Parks PR school will not work in this era of instant information. You just can't tell the great unwashed to go away one minute and expect them to buy a $60 (not including parking) ticket the next. Get a clue from the real masters of PR (our gov.) and get AHEAD of the story and control the message. ANYTHING fills a vacuum, and if you have the chance to fill with your message, you win.

Mark Watkins
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It is amasing how much of an effect internet message boards can have on this sport . Capps is right in what he ses , but I think one of the main reason people have talked about is to get some sort of closure and help deal with the situation

I believe that is also what Capps is saying. John Medlen and JFR are working dilligently to find the cause of this tragedy in order to make changes that will hopefully prevent another bright light of our sport from being put out. That is how they are dealing with the situation.

Speculation and rumor on message boards DOES get back to the family. A friend of mine was listening to Sirius radio on one of the days before Eric died, and John Medlen was being interviewed. Tom said that he will never forget the emotion from John as he was practically pleading with fans not to speculate or pass on rumors. It seems that someone on a message board had said they heard that Eric had died, and then the family started receiving sympathy cards and phone calls of condolences. Now how would ANYONE feel if that happened to them?

While everyone is free to post whatever they wish to on message boards, I believe that with that freedom, goes responsibility.

Respecting the Medlen family's and John Force Racing's wishes concerning all of this, is another way fans can "deal with the situation.' Let them find closure through their research and discovery of exactly just what happened by not being distracted by speculation and rumor.
Speculation and rumor on message boards DOES get back to the family. A friend of mine was listening to Sirius radio on one of the days before Eric died, and John Medlen was being interviewed. Tom said that he will never forget the emotion from John as he was practically pleading with fans not to speculate or pass on rumors. It seems that someone on a message board had said they heard that Eric had died, and then the family started receiving sympathy cards and phone calls of condolences. Now how would ANYONE feel if that happened to them?


no one here is defending that kind of junk.
In all seriousness I think people should have a voice to say what they feel. Right or wrong its there opinion. You don't have to agree with it although you do have to respect there opinion and don't flame them for doing so. If you don't want to read something don't click on it. Do you really think that the NHRA or JFR is going to browse the internet to find the solution from someone that said something in a message board. I think not. In todays world news can travel very fast over the internet. It gives people a way to voice there opinions and speculate as to what happen. Right or Wrong its still their right to have a voice.



"I hate to be the one to break this to you, but owning a computer doesn’t mean that you have the right to know everything right this second. Or ever for that matter." Alan Rienhart
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