What drag it is getting old (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Okay, call me stupid...
When I got home for lunch, Kat asked me to change a couple of light bulbs... and no blond jokes here guys....

one in the bathroom was no problem... however when I was finishing the two over her desk in the kitchen, felt a tug in my left thigh... no biggie... tried to walk it off, and calve muscle cramped... went back to work, and on the third shift (I love that 5spd) both locked solid...

needless to say, I'm home again... heating pads on both...

So, the question is, how many old farts does it take to change a light bulb? From this day on... none... just gonna ask K'dubs to do it from now on...

You don't have to tell me! I separated my shoulder almost a year ago and it's STILL not quite right! No pain, but it still pops here and there. Of course, I accelerated the already existing arthritis, so thank goodness for Aleve! :rolleyes:
Well Karl..as a fellow 'ol fart..one of two things happening.

Cramping due to dehydration..or a vascular issue..which is going to happen when we smoke..(been there)..or just a little 'ol muscle strain.

With vascular..there is no damage and the pain goes away with rest. If you're doing heating pads I assume the pain didn't go away..so no vascular issue is good.

I feel your pain Karl..get some rest and know you have plenty on your side.

Oh...my advice..stretch before you try to change any light bulbs..hehe :D
Seems like you just accept that on any day, any part of your body that has never hurt before is liable to jump up and hurt for no obvious logical reason whatsoever! :D
Tell me about it!

I used to run three days a week for decades. I enjoyed league basketball, softball, water and snow skiing, not to mention the challenge of hiking and keeping up with these six kids. We're not even going to mention waist size.

Now, after seven knee surgeries, one shoulder reconstruction and the typical aching an active body does these years, I'm lucky to sit comfortably on a bicycle in place of running and building race cars and even TV has somehow replaced sports. We took Buzzz's most recent build (a Biesemeyer Flat Bottom Boat) to Parker for a week earlier this month and I learned that without some serious advanced preparations, I'm not even a water skier any more.

The older I get, the better I was??? Yeah, that's it!
Seems like you just accept that on any day, any part of your body that has never hurt before is liable to jump up and hurt for no obvious logical reason whatsoever! :D

Like everyone else, I've accepted that an occasional ache or pain is going to happen. When I see other seniors who have trouble seeing, hearing, breathing or walking, I feel very fortunate that some Aleve can solve my minor problems!

However . . . those "Senior Moments" can be very disturbing! - ;)
Have fallen off in training or riding many horses over the years and luckily enough never broken a bone... but bend over from the waist to pick something off the floor and a ripple of popping will go up my back.

Hyper-rotated an ankle while running over 10 years ago that put me on crutches (until my Doc caught me running with them & took them away) and now, let the weather get cold & rainy and I definitely feel it.

My massage therapist loves me.
You don't have to tell me! I separated my shoulder almost a year ago and it's STILL not quite right! No pain, but it still pops here and there. Of course, I accelerated the already existing arthritis, so thank goodness for Aleve! :rolleyes:

I have a two and a half year old shoulder injury that's flaring up right now, I wish it only popped! It gets stiff, numb, tingly, and somehow makes my palm itch so I managed to scratch a hole in the skin.

That'll teach me to fall off the Toterhome.
From the day we are born we start getting older folks. Look at the bright side, we get to drive our kids nuts. (pay-back).

And when we do somethin dumb, we are automaticly forgiven. (example)
Years ago If I said or did somethin odd, it was "Dad what are you doin??"

Now, If I do or say the same thing it's, "Oh thats just Dad".

It's like having a get out of jail free card. Enjoy it folks, flaunt it, use it, work it. Spoil the grandkids. Being an "'ol fart" can be fun.;)

But I much prefer the term "Senior" instead of 'ol fart. :D :p

Old ,whats old ? I resemble that remark !
Old is when you get back into diapers for the second time .
I just found a 1970 pic of me ! OMG we are getting old !
It's the dang weight ! Weight is our enemy , do battle !
No G rice is as bad as potatoes according to my nutrisionalist.
Any thing white turns into sugar and your cells love to store sugar for the lean times . They turn it into FAT !

Hey Doc and all the Middle Aged Maters I've figgered it out !
We don't need to eat, just smell it and go on about your business ! :)
Okay, call me stupid...
When I got home for lunch, Kat asked me to change a couple of light bulbs... and no blond jokes here guys....

one in the bathroom was no problem... however when I was finishing the two over her desk in the kitchen, felt a tug in my left thigh... no biggie... tried to walk it off, and calve muscle cramped... went back to work, and on the third shift (I love that 5spd) both locked solid...

needless to say, I'm home again... heating pads on both...

So, the question is, how many old farts does it take to change a light bulb? From this day on... none... just gonna ask K'dubs to do it from now on...


Karl, my man, I feel your pain. Literally. I went to Lincoln this weekend to help my son move into his new apartment which he neglected to tell me (until I got there) was on the third floor!--got several parts that aren't moving well at all today and when I was going around a corner on the stairway I had a real sharp muscle pain across my right ribcage--thought it was just a cramp--wrong--still have the pain today--not as bad but still there---as one old racer to another, it is starting to suck to get old--cause I still try to do everything I used to do at the same pace--not a good idea.
Karl, my man, I feel your pain. Literally. I went to Lincoln this weekend to help my son move into his new apartment which he neglected to tell me (until I got there) was on the third floor!--got several parts that aren't moving well at all today and when I was going around a corner on the stairway I had a real sharp muscle pain across my right ribcage--thought it was just a cramp--wrong--still have the pain today--not as bad but still there---as one old racer to another, it is starting to suck to get old--cause I still try to do everything I used to do at the same pace--not a good idea.

Drink plenty of water and take some Potassium!!! Make sure you eat some bananas!!!

We are all a bunch of "Oldie McOlderson's"!!! haaahahaahaa!
The Primary reason I started losing the weight I have is my Back was just Killing Me! Last year I started noticing that I couldn't walk the Pits for even 20-30 minutes without my back just aggravating me to no end! And now I'm having a Hip problem! My left hip for whatever reason loves to pop out and I'll feel a Pain sensation in my Left hip and I have to give it a Swift kick to pop it back in!

Yes it does Suck to get old!!!:confused:
Drink plenty of water and take some Potassium!!! Make sure you eat some bananas!!!

We are all a bunch of "Oldie McOlderson's"!!! haaahahaahaa!
Thank you, Dr. Q! I'll give it a try---Last night, I tried Dr. Minick's remedy--called upon the Captain to visit--he provided some rather pleasant temporary relief!;)
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