Tire Shake = Alzheimer’s (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 12, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
As the title says. I've lost my dad & Mother-in-law to this monster, so the word Alzheimer’s always gets my attention. So, with that being said It seems to me that
we are losing a lot of former drivers to Alzheimer’s. Between the G-forces and tire shake I'm wondering if there's any connection, or is it just that we're all
getting old. Let's hear your thoughts.
As the title says. I've lost my dad & Mother-in-law to this monster, so the word Alzheimer’s always gets my attention. So, with that being said It seems to me that
we are losing a lot of former drivers to Alzheimer’s. Between the G-forces and tire shake I'm wondering if there's any connection, or is it just that we're all
getting old. Let's hear your thoughts.
I would think probably not. Now CTE I could see the connection. But what do I know, getting older, inhaled too much nitro, loud cars and Rock concerts. 🤪
As the title says. I've lost my dad & Mother-in-law to this monster, so the word Alzheimer’s always gets my attention. So, with that being said It seems to me that
we are losing a lot of former drivers to Alzheimer’s. Between the G-forces and tire shake I'm wondering if there's any connection, or is it just that we're all
getting old. Let's hear your thoughts.

Questions like these leads me to inquire on Google. Here are some of the results for websites I trust:

There are many more sites to do your research and consult with your doctor as one of the symptoms is genetics.
I don't have a problem with Alzheimer's but a giant shake one race and the next day I needed glasses.
Larry Sutton---Lions starter and racer (RET.)🤠

Hey Larry. Long time no see. :)

In a funny sort of way it's interesting you mentioned that. At the finals last year I had my top Sportsman Camaro pretty wicked up. It took the tires off and shook pretty hard and went sideways the first qualifying run. Even the announcer mentioned how it must have hurt from the announcer's booth. I fixed it by dropping my low gear ratio 10% by the way. At any rate, Monday morning I'm on my computer and I noticed with my right eye that straight lines on the screen had like a whoop-dee-doo about an inch to the right of where I was looking. I booked an appointment with an ophthalmologist who looked at my eyes and said I have the beginning stages of macular degeneration. I asked her if a sudden trauma could have brought it to the surface of my retina and she said it's possible. I'm taking Areds 2 by Bausch & Lomb now and last week on my first follow-up she tells me that it's not progressing and actually looks a little bit better some 10 months later. That was probably one of the reasons why I decided to sell the car the beginning of the year, although macular degeneration does run in my family.
Considering Alzheimer's, I got tested for sleep apnea a couple years ago and was told that I stopped breathing for a length of time several times over the course of an hour. Larry Sutton's buddy, Big Mike, snores like a horse and stops breathing as witnessed by me in hotel rooms when we were on the road racing. I often wondered how good it is for your brain to run out of oxygen several times a minute while you're trying to sleep for 50 plus years. I'm not a doctor but I believe sleep apnea could cause things like this. So yes, I'm on a CPAP machine and I'm getting very restful sleep for a change. And my mind isn't a fog anymore for a guy my age anyway. If you're finding yourself tired all the time with brain fog half of that time I'd get a sleep apnea test and don't be afraid of a CPAP machine. I wouldn't sleep without it now.
Early congrats! It seemed when I turned 5O (this year)I started falling apart. My son's and I were sleeping in the same hotel room and my youngest said at one point it was like 20sec. between breaths. So I gotta wear that special watch here pretty soon. Those last 2 sentences in your post sounds like me to the T.
Early congrats! It seemed when I turned 5O (this year)I started falling apart. My son's and I were sleeping in the same hotel room and my youngest said at one point it was like 20sec. between breaths. So I gotta wear that special watch here pretty soon. Those last 2 sentences in your post sounds like me to the T.
don't wait to get checked. A friend who sleeps with one was taking a nap without it one day. If his wife wouldn't have checked on him we may have lost his. As it was he spend a few days in hospital.
Early congrats! It seemed when I turned 5O (this year)I started falling apart. My son's and I were sleeping in the same hotel room and my youngest said at one point it was like 20sec. between breaths. So I gotta wear that special watch here pretty soon. Those last 2 sentences in your post sounds like me to the T.

I have a friend who is a few years younger than me. He was always tired and complaining about having no energy. Eventually he had a sleep study done at the insistence of his doctor. Afterward he kept telling me how much he relies on his on CPAP machine and won't go anywhere at night without it. I thought he was kidding until I eventually was diagnosed and ended up on a CPAP myself.
Yeah my wife says I used to snore like a freight train. I’ve had a few dreams where I’m under water and trying to get to the surface before I run out of air. I just make it to the surface. Had a sleep test done and I was having pauses in my breathing. Doc said if it’s a longer pause that can cause the dream. I’ve also been in a real tight space of some sort and felt I couldn’t breathe. Probably the same thing. I am now on a CPAP as well, no snoring and I don’t have these dreams much anymore 👍
I have a friend who is a few years younger than me. He was always tired and complaining about having no energy. Eventually he had a sleep study done at the insistence of his doctor. Afterward he kept telling me how much he relies on his on CPAP machine and won't go anywhere at night without it. I thought he was kidding until I eventually was diagnosed and ended up on a CPAP myself.
Same story here Randy. For several years, my snoring was so bad even my kids down the hall couldn't get a good night's sleep. I also had the same issues with fatigue and wanting to fall asleep at my desk at 2:00 in the afternoon. Trips for business or racing ending up with nobody wanting to room with me! LOL. I had the sleep study done, and the intervals of stopped breathing per minute was a little scary. So, long story short, I began using a CPAP and it changed my life.
Well all you guys can include me in the CPAP Club, I've been a member about 1 yr. exactly. I was forced into it by my wife due to the snoring. I also had
a case of the falling asleep in the 2-4 PM time frame. Can't believe the difference now, tried a few times going without and if I do get to sleep it's not well.
I just hit 68 in July.
To the CPAP users, and side sleepers in the bunch? I know I need one, but can't see it being comfortable.
Another fun thing is enlarged prostate. Have had that for years and it does affect sleep. Prostate basically puts pressure on the bladder & ya gotta get up to whiz. I can sleep maybe 4 hours and then every hour or so it's up to whiz. None of the meds that my doc recommends work, so I just put up with it. Does make you tired during the day. I'm 76 and the docs tell me that enlarged prostate happens when men are 50 plus. Old age is not for sissies as they say. heh
Alzheimers is somewhat a mysterious thing. It is a disease that can have several different origins or multiples of them. Yes - Head trauma (concusion) is one that can trigger it especially if you have other potential risks already. Other Sports have systems in place to check when there is an incident. Unfortunately there is not a universal consistent way right now to measure and record the severity of tire shake on a run. It may be possible for the data recorders or black box to incorporate a way to record this and have the medical people check someone out if it triggers an alert. The poured seats and helmet advancments as well as wearing a mouthpiece are great advancments but this won't help the people who are drivers from the past. What needs to happen is to instill into those who have had that trauma or even high G Forces (UP or Down - + or -) which is most drivers, that the problem won't go away by sleeping it off for a couple of days. Behavior Modification as much as you may NOT want to do is needed a lot of time. Brain excersizes - food - alcohol - smoking and physical exercize all come into play. Yes - Drivers are athletes and they must remember this as they get older. Alzheimers is a disease that includes Dementia which is a condition. NHRA could require a report of measured head trauma with the Physical so they could advise drivers to get educated on how to get a start on prevention of later problems instead of trying to cure a disease that so far has no real cure.
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To the CPAP users, and side sleepers in the bunch? I know I need one, but can't see it being comfortable.
Hey Ty. Depends on the headset you're using. I've tried about 8 different ones and the one I chose I usually don't know I have it on when I wake. You'll rest so much better and probably have way more energy when you wake. BTW, sleep apnea can cause many health issues including stroke and heart attack along with higher blood pressure. I currently use the Resmed headset with a Airfit 301 medium cushion. It has a air tube on both sides of your head so no matter which side you sleep on you still have a air supply. Whether you like it or not use it for your health. Jus say'n.
Hey Ty. Depends on the headset you're using. I've tried about 8 different ones and the one I chose I usually don't know I have it on when I wake. You'll rest so much better and probably have way more energy when you wake. BTW, sleep apnea can cause many health issues including stroke and heart attack along with higher blood pressure. I currently use the Resmed headset with a Airfit 301 medium cushion. It has a air tube on both sides of your head so no matter which side you sleep on you still have a air supply. Whether you like it or not use it for your health. Jus say'n.

Absolutely. I used to toss and turn, wake up feeling exhausted, gasping for air sometimes, or feeling like I've been holding my breath when I woke up during the middle of the night. Before, I would sometimes sleep with my mouth open and out of the blue chomp down so hard on my tongue for some reason I thought I bit my tongue off, running for the bathroom with blood dripping out of my mouth. Since the CPAP I can honestly say I have fallen asleep on my back some nights and wake up seven hours later still on my back, rested and ready to go. No more chomping, either. The first week wearing the mask was a little bothersome, I admit. But I'll take that along with the good nights sleep I get now in spite of a little discomfort. I can't begin to tell you what a difference it's made for me.
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