Silly season in high gear? (3 Viewers)

Wow. Did anyone happen to catch that bit in there about Weld Wheels filing for bankruptcy??? I remember watching the Weld family racing local roundy round tracks, like old Olympic Speedway, a dirt short track near the house where I grew up. For the longest time, you could see a giant wheel rotating on the top of their building on Truman road in Kansas City. Remember that Unk?? Looks like they're going to sell out to American Racing.
It doesn't look like Whit will return to DSR in 2007.........CompetitionPlus Rumors


As far back as I can remember, Whit has been on a year to year contract with DSR. This isn't the first time people have speculated about his employment contract with DSR ending. Although, this year has been one of the leanest so far, and with all the negative press from the fight/punch. and a few things that Whit could have kept to himself but chose not to, I can see him not getting re-signed. I personally would not like to see that, unless he gets into a good new situation, kinda like Ron Capps deal. Otherwise, I think the Matco team just needs to try and hang together for awhile and not keep changing the tuner and the crew so much. We'll have to let this one play out.
Personally I would like to see Whit catch a break or two. I like the guy and the sport needs him.
I'm not a Bazemore fan. And since I happen to like Capps and Scelzi, I would prefer to see Whit with another team if for no other reason than Capps and Bazemore would then not to have to play the team mates game. Nothing wrong with a good rivalry to add a little spice to the sport.
Going off of what Don Schumacher has said of Whit's comments in the past,and Whit's desire of moving to Oregon,I think the handwriting has been on the wall for sometime about this.
It's because of Whit (and Tony) that I became a DSR fan. I'd hate to see him not with DSR next year.
I remember a few years back, when Whit red-lighted in the final at the "Finals" against Del Worsham. He was rumored to have been gone after that, and a couple times since. It's hard to say....
it is hard to say for sure, with $humacher racing, it seems to be the silly season is all year long . my moneys on whit being back with the evil empire next year though. i cant picture him with anyone else to tell the truth.
Could this be a precursor<sp> to a Skuza announcement. Whit out, Dean in at DSR????????????????:eek:
I would not count on Whit leaving DSR. I am pretty sure Whit knows that DSR has top notch equipment on the same level as Force. In my opinion, I think the only way he doesn't return is if Matco and the Don don't want him back.
Ah, the annual Whit won't return to the DSR camp rumor. I should have posted that one in January & gotten it out of the way early. It wouldn't be a true "silly season" without that one.:D
As far as Whit moving to Oregon, how does Ron & Gary fit in the DSR scheme of things........they both live in California?:eek: ................"HIP"
Tony, watchin' some of these people add 2 & 2 & keep coming up with 5 never ceases to amaze me.:eek: ............"HIP"
Sure seems to me that Bazemore brings a lot more to the table than Skuza ever would. Moving to Oregon, shouldn`t make any kind of a difference in Whits future plans as far as staying at DSR. Baze is a hell of a driver, and his record at DSR (or anywhere else) speaks for itself. I`d be surprised if he`s not there next year. Capps sure spoke well of him on the show tonight.
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Wasn't referrin' to you Alan. Just curious as to who's runnin' the rumor mills over at Comp + & DR Online.:confused: ............."HIP"
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