Prayers needed (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
I'm askin' again!

My brother's nephew, Troy was in a serious ATV accident yesterday. I'm not sure of all the details, as I'm in Chandler and my brother wasn't thinking straight but I do know this.

Troy rolled the bike into the ditch, it landed on top of him and he has a ruptured spleen, several broken bones and when they tried to put him under for surgery, they had to shock him back to life.

The kid is barely 13 and already had a rough life. He recently lost his grandmother to cancer and his mother is still reeling from that.

Please pray for him and him mom, Amy, and his Dad, John.


Oh, Jenn....I'm so sorry. Having a 14 year old that rides 2 and 4 wheelers, may make this a little close to home, but damn girl. Y'all are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, Jenn....I'm so sorry. Having a 14 year old that rides 2 and 4 wheelers, may make this a little close to home, but damn girl. Y'all are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks ya'll. Somebody remarked me that I seemed a little unlucky with all the drama people around me seem to have, I say they are lucky to have me, for God has blessed me with my large group of friends who are willing to fling prayers up to heaven for my family and friends.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a case of the boy not knowing his terain, he hit a patch of sand he wasn't prepared for and went into the ditch and didn't let go of the bike. Thank God he was wearing a helmet though, he's concussed but that's all. Tommorrow is a surgery to set bones and insert pins.
My thoughts are with you and your family, Jenn.

Please keep us posted on how the surgery went.
My thoughts are with you and your family, Jenn.

Please keep us posted on how the surgery went.

Thanks David,

I got a text message from my brother saying that he was still in surgery, and it's taking longer than they thought and no estimated time to get him out at this point. I was typing this, my sister in law called. It's worse than they thought and Troy may never regain the range of motion in his wrists, or elbows. There's a lot of nerve damage and only time will tell. My sister in law is especially upset because baseball and football were this kid's life.

Thanks for the prayers
Oh, sweetie....hope for the best. So many times the doctors underestimate the strength of their patients and their faith.

My nephew was given a 10% chance of survival and never thought to even feed himself again, after and anurism that almost completely crushed his brain stem. He was in a coma for a month. Since then.....he's held down sacking jobs at grocery stores and can maintain a semi-independent residence. Who knows what we can recover from?!
I got this from my sister in law this morning

Good morning!

Just an update on Troy.
He is doing much better today. He will be able to have the pins and stuff removed from the arm. He will probably go back for surgery in about 4 to 6 weeks to have that removed. So that is good news. They said he should be able to regain most of the movement in time. Probably not ever 100%. But that is much better news than we got.
He is on all oral pain meds now. They are thinking of removing the IV from his neck this morning which will make him happy! Amy said he only needed to take pain meds 3 times yesterday.
Amy is feeling way better after speaking with the Dr. this morning. He actually showed her the pictures of the breaks and where everything is. He also said that he thinks most of the feeling issue will return when the swelling goes down.

So again thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during this!
Thanks, it's much better news. They may release him tomorrow. The doctor pretty much said "He'll heal better here, but he's got more of a chance of getting an infection here, so if they can get the same kind of traction-like devices set up at home, Troy will head home sooner."

My brother's gonna go see what he can do to help get the house "Troy-ized" for them this weekend.
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