Pick the Winners_Atlanta (1 Viewer)


Staff Member
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Nitro Member
Jul 10, 2006
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Welcome to Pick the Winners

Post your 5 picks for pick the winners here. As before, you can pick among any of the pro classes. You can pick all in one category or spread them out among all the pro categories that are running at that race (TF/FC/PS/PSM)

I will post a new thread for every race a week before. If you will be away and can't make your post during that week, feel free to pm me ahead of time.

A few guidelines
-Post an ET tie breaker for Top Fuel winner in the final round. This is only used if there is a tie for first place at an event.

-Enter a full name as there are several Aranas, Johnsons and Forces. Occasionally we have have mutilpe Capps and Wilkersons as well. If I am not sure which one you want, I can’t score it

-Please do not go back and edit your post. In order to ease the time it takes to do this I enter the picks throughout the week and I will miss any changes to old post. If you want to change your picks, post a new entry and just mention that it is an update.

- Picks need to be in by midnight Friday(Pacific) of a race (ok that would technically be 12am Saturday). Yes this means that you can choose to wait until some qualifying is done, it also means you risk forgetting or somehow missing the deadline.

-If you will not be around when the thread is posted, I do accept picks early via PM/email/hand delivered letter/singing-gram and smoke signal. New for this season, you are allowed one carry over pick if you miss a deadline. Your previous weeks picks will be used.

6 pts to the winner
4 Points to the runner up
3 to semis
2 for second round
1 to first round

Antron Brown
Morgan Lucas
Courtney Force
Allen Johnson
Jason Line


Thanks PJ!
T/F:Antron Brown
F/C:Ron Capp
P/S:Jason Line
P/S:Shane Gray

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Tony Shoe T/F

Johnny Gray F/C
Courtney Force F/C

Enders-Stevens P/S

Jason Line P/S

CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE 3:47 AM 4/30/2013 (No PSM) Thanks RG

Last edited:
Tony Schumacher
Antron Brown
Jack Beckman
Matt Hagan
Allen Johnson


Thanks PJ!!!
Doug Kalitta
Antron Brown
Cruz Pedregon
Tim Wilkerson
Shane Gray

Shawn Langdon
Tony Schumacher

Tim Wilkerson
Matt Hagan

Allen Johnson

Antron Brown TF

Courtny Force FC

Mike Edwards PS

Allen Johnson PS

Erica Enders PS

Ways To Support Nitromater

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