Was anything said or done to try to bring in racers with cars other than Camaros?
Thank friggin god they came to there senses.I understand that some teams can only afford to run a few races but for the teams that run the full year,how do you go to a sponsor and tell them that they are gonna get even less exposure than they already do by not being seen in some parts of the country.I always go to Bristol but wasn't gonna renew because pro stock wasn't gonna be there.But with this decision looks like i'm renewing.Who ever convinced NHRA to change there mind,thank you thank you thank you.Also off topic can Fox please hire Alan Reinhart to do the commentary for the races .He is the absolute best by far.
All the classes need help, it’s really just a matter of economics, but I never saw the reasoning in cutting the field size, even at a few races. That’s not the way to encourage growth in a class. Glad they went back to the regular schedule.
Another awesome decision out of Glendora for this class. I'll bet the manufacturers are just foaming at the mouth to get involved with this........

Sean D
400 ci smallblocks?

They are looking to cut costs, not have to have everybody throw away what they already have. That would make no sense.

I think the "platform" will be a spec engine, based on the GM current engine. Come run your Dodge, come run your Ford, and be competitive because they will all have the same HP. This may help get rid of an all Camaro field too in theory. The guys can run whatever they want for a body.
No way to running a bellybutton GM engine in a Mopar or Ford in a class that is supposed to represent factory hot rods.
All the factories already offer supercharged muscle cars. Put a size limit on the engines, a minimum weight and let them have at it.
I'm just glad that they reasoned with the counter proposal, and didn't just stick to their decision about the 8 car fields.
No way to running a bellybutton GM engine in a Mopar or Ford in a class that is supposed to represent factory hot rods.
All the factories already offer supercharged muscle cars. Put a size limit on the engines, a minimum weight and let them have at it.

This is what AJ and Mopar tried to sell them on NHRA said no, Mopar walked.
And I still say factory sheet metal would be a big draw.
My question is what makes the NHRA think they can fill a 16 car field in 2018 if you could not do it at every race in 2017?

Just thinking out loud.

Jim Hill
Well we don’t know the details yet, but obviously the racers and the NHRA are trying to work together to improve things. The decision to limit fields to 8 cars at certain races was not the way to do that.
I would guess that the Pro Stocks guys got together and said they would have 16 cars at every race in 2018. I would look for the big teams to roll out extra cars at the events where they are short and/or up their support for the part-timers. This year we have seen what can happen when the big teams help the little guys in Top Fuel, maybe the Pro Stock guys are going to do a version of the same.

In any event, I am glad we will still have Pro Stock for the time being.
Makes me wonder if the 8 car field schedule wasn't a way to get the team owner's attention, and get them to accept some things they might not otherwise have.

It looks like in this case, they got the owners to consider the use of a "spec" engine platform as a way to cut costs. Something I'm sure the top dogs were 4-square against before.
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so kinda like when the Pro's bring in the replacements to try and keep things running. That does not work out well. also guarantees full fields of Camaro's, the biggest problem.
The biggest way IMO to "revive" Pro Stock would be to switch to a pro version of the Factory Stock showdown: "factory correct" dimensions, tube frame, carbon fiber body panels, and a "pro" version of whatever engines they are using now for the COPOs, Cobrajets, Drag Paks, etc. Of course, owners would balk as it would make their current inventory useless.
The biggest way IMO to "revive" Pro Stock would be to switch to a pro version of the Factory Stock showdown: "factory correct" dimensions, tube frame, carbon fiber body panels, and a "pro" version of whatever engines they are using now for the COPOs, Cobrajets, Drag Paks, etc. Of course, owners would balk as it would make their current inventory useless.

The inventory they have now is useless, they just don't know it or accept it yet. The class will not survive in it's current configuration. The fact that NHRA was willing to cut them back to 8 car fields should be a huge wake up call to these guys, and hopefully they are starting to get the picture. I don't profess to have all the answers as to what will save the class, but I don't think "spec" motors are the answer, unless the cars they are putting them in look like what rolls off the factory floor so people can tell what they are when they are going down the track.

To be perfectly honest, the days of winning on Sunday and selling on Monday are long over. I am 43 years old, I love NHRA drag racing and to a lesser extent, all forms of motorsports, and what happened on the track has NEVER been a factor into any car I buy. The ONLY way you can really get manufacturers involved in motorsports these days is for that motorsport to help develop technology that is directly applicable to the street cars they are trying to sell. In that vein, Pro Stockers are absolute dinosaurs with no applicable engine, transmission or electronics technology for the cars we drive every day.
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