national gas price boycott (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 9, 2006
I don't know about you but the fuel prices are the biggest scam going. There is no reason for this. And in the past month the prices have gone through the roof. What next.... another record profit report for the qaurter in the billions for all the oil companies.... . The oil companies are getting away with it because nobody is doing anything about it. We are all guilty.
I propose a national shut down day to protest these bull**** prices. This in my opinion is one of the biggest reasons for the drop in the economy and if the government won't do anything , The gas prices are sure to reach $4.00 a gallon... Just think what could happen it there was a day when EVERYBODY in this country was to refuse to start there vehicle. How about what would happen if truck drivers were to pull into truck stops and shut down no matter what kind of cargo they are hauling....... how much produce and perishable products would be lost...... how about items that are in route to finish construction. And just the fact of people not showing up at work. It would put the country a weeks behind . Do you think the government would step in on the gas prices then....I bet they would. Look what the government does in any are that this country relies on when a major strike happens... such as airlines.
Join me on April 4TH if you agree with me and copy and paiste this anywhere you can post ...... if the country was or is to put the government on a couple weeks notice ,,,,, mabey we CAN make a difference.
Economics 101: Who sets the price for a product? I'll give you a hint....It's not the seller. The price of ANY product in the FREE MARKETPLACE is determined by what the buyers are WILLING to pay. Plain and simple.

This principle is also known as the law of supply and demand.

As far as the Oil companies (or ANY company) making a profit, I think that's why they're in business in the first place....To make money.
I believe it would take a global supplier boycott. If everyone boycotted one major company/supplier until they are in jeopardy of folding, the other companies would step up and take note knowing they could be next.

On a more far sighted view of this, as hybrids/hydrogen cell/etc. vehicles are getting more and more plentiful, we could reduce our dependence upon fossil fuels and thus quietly take the major suppliers and oil producing countries to the poor house. I, for one am ready to see the peasants take over the palaces in the middle east when the glut of misappropriated funding dries up.
Bottom line is we the people determine the price of fuel. A boycott would hurt the people of this country, the oil companies are in good shape, a one day boycott would not hurt them. Look at it this way, Bristol Speedway has 30,000 campers at this weeks race, last week a beautiful weekend boat ramps were full. As long as we keep spending $4.00 a gallon it will continue to go up. By the way it is $3.98 today in KC for diesel. We need to conserve and look for alternative fuels, nitrogen fuel in 800 cu in race motor, it sounds cool to me.:cool:
Economics 101: Who sets the price for a product? I'll give you a hint....It's not the seller. The price of ANY product in the FREE MARKETPLACE is determined by what the buyers are WILLING to pay. Plain and simple.

This principle is also known as the law of supply and demand.

As far as the Oil companies (or ANY company) making a profit, I think that's why they're in business in the first place....To make money.

I agree Eddie. we have ourselves to blame

People are still buying Hummers and other gas guzzling SUVs. the SUV was invented to get around the EPA fuel milage requirements as en exemption. And today they probably outsell cars. People are still pulling into the most expensive gas stations and paying top price for gas (Amoco). They B**** about Hugo Chavez Gulf oil and boycott Gulf even though it is the only oil company to give free heating fuel away to the poor. Tree huggers from the north are putting road blocks in the way of oil exploriation in "precious" lands. Not a single new refinery has not been built since 1976 because of the NIMBY'S.

In my opinion the snobs and yuppies with the huge gas guzzling SUVS including Arnold and his Hummer should pay a huge tax penalty at the pump. And those with fuel efficient cars should get a huge discount at the pump. those with businesses and have little choice in their vehicles would be exempt from pump tax penalty.
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The bottom line is oil companies run the World, NO government in this World tells the Oil companies what to do, The oil ministers of OPEC dictate how much and how high the oil prices are going to be, they wake up and light thier cigars with AMERICAN hundred dollar bills. For years WE (America) were the highest demand oil consumer in the World, also We had more technology and were able to provide OURSELVES with plenty of low priced oil and gas. The People in Europe suffered because of supply and demand, America needed it more and We got it. Now China needs it more and We are going to pay for it. My Brother works in West Africa and watches the Chineese tankers pull offshore, turn off all thier lights and load up for two days with crude oil that was hijacaked from the Nigerian Government, by the rebels, who are tired of getting ripped off by the Nigerian Government. And with an inside person,(My Brother) who has been there and watching esculate for nearly thirty years, He tells me it will only get worse, WE have seen the last of two dollar a gallon gas.
The bottom line is oil companies run the World, NO government in this World tells the Oil companies what to do, The oil ministers of OPEC dictate how much and how high the oil prices are going to be...

Kenny, I have to disagree with you. If a kid sets up a lemonade stand and tries to charge $10 per cup for it then nobody will buy it. That's just more than anybody would be willing to pay. On the other hand, if the kid starts taking bids for her lemonade, then she'll sell some of it. And the price she'll get for it? That number will be whatever the BUYER is willing to pay for it. No more, no less.

That's EXACTLY how the oil market works. Price is determined by the buyer and the buyer alone. So, like someone else already said, we are (collectively) responsible for the price because we continue to be willing to pay for it.
the way i look at it is if the government can tell Bill Gates he can't make x-amount ... then why cant the government stop the price gouging of the oil companies.... it would be different if the oil companies weren't reporting record profits every quarter... isn't it price fixing when all the oil companies are charging the same to make those types of profits.
the way i look at it is if the government can tell Bill Gates he can't make x-amount ... then why cant the government stop the price gouging of the oil companies.... it would be different if the oil companies weren't reporting record profits every quarter... isn't it price fixing when all the oil companies are charging the same to make those types of profits.

Firtst of all, please don't anybody get me wrong here. I'm NOT a stockholder in any oil company, I'm not on the Board of Directors of any oil company, and I don't own a gas station. I also am not specifically defending oil companies. I AM defending, however, the right of the oil companies and ALL OTHER companies to make a profit. That's why they're in business.

With that out of the way, let's discuss Bill Gates. The government has NEVER told Gates he can't make 'x-amount' of money. The issue with Bill Gates was was an anti-trust issue that involved his arm-twisting of computer companies and trying to force them to only use his operating system and no one elses. BIG difference between that and the oil companies making a profit.

Next is 'price-fixing': Crude oil is basically auctioned on the futures market. It doesn't take a degree in advanced math to see that if the BUYERS of crude are bidding $100/barrel then when you add the costs of refining and distribution, gasoline prices are right in line with those costs. Furthermore, of course gas prices are roughly the same from station to station and company to company, just the same as milk is roughly the same from grocery store to grocery store. This is NOT price-fixing.

As far as the oil companies making a profit, so what? Where's the outrage that Walmart makes money? How about Home Depot or Lowes? That's why these companies are in business. Lowes doesn't exist solely for the purpose of providing people with building supplies at cost! They do it to make money.

Nobody is forced to buy ANY product from ANY company. The whole idea of this thread was to boycott gas for a day or two. IF, people quit buying gas, then it would indeed affect the price. Problem is, that most people continue to be WILLING to pay $4.00/gallon for it. Most people who would say that they don't have a choice are simply stretching the truth. You could walk, ride a bus, ride a bike, carpool, or just not go werever it is that you "need" to go; but you do have a choice, and most make the choice to put gas in their tank despite the cost.
I have a couple other items to point out. Since the 70's, do you know how many oil refineries in this country have been shut down? Do you know how many new refineries have been built? Has anyone heard about the refinery explosion & fire in Texas last month? Did it make the news? Is it going to stay closed or be back up & running sometime? There is still drilling for new wells happening, just on a much smaller scale than there once was. I see new rigs up or going out all the time here. Last question... why should the government care about lower prices when the government gets an inflated % of all gas sales? Do you really know how much of your gas dollar goes in taxes?

The government is all for big business. After all, when it comes down to it, all those corporate lobbies are lining the pockets of the people we put in place to create our laws and watch over our Constitution and country.
One word people-- OPEC; buy stocks, lots of it and you will love the dividends...I DO...everyone keep buying gasoline....I love the quarterly checks.. Most oil companies are publicly traded so everyone could profit. This is nothing new.
Okay we don't buy gas one day......We will all have to buy it the day before or the next day or sometime that week so what does this do? How does it help?
I don't know about you but the fuel prices are the biggest scam going. There is no reason for this. And in the past month the prices have gone through the roof. What next.... another record profit report for the qaurter in the billions for all the oil companies.... . The oil companies are getting away with it because nobody is doing anything about it. We are all guilty.
I propose a national shut down day to protest these bull**** prices. This in my opinion is one of the biggest reasons for the drop in the economy and if the government won't do anything , The gas prices are sure to reach $4.00 a gallon... Just think what could happen it there was a day when EVERYBODY in this country was to refuse to start there vehicle. How about what would happen if truck drivers were to pull into truck stops and shut down no matter what kind of cargo they are hauling....... how much produce and perishable products would be lost...... how about items that are in route to finish construction. And just the fact of people not showing up at work. It would put the country a weeks behind . Do you think the government would step in on the gas prices then....I bet they would. Look what the government does in any are that this country relies on when a major strike happens... such as airlines.
Join me on April 4TH if you agree with me and copy and paiste this anywhere you can post ...... if the country was or is to put the government on a couple weeks notice ,,,,, mabey we CAN make a difference.

Yeah! Copy and paste this and send it to EVERYONE you can so that some ******* spammer can harvest MORE email addresses. That is who puts out these "Pass them on" e-mails. Do you REALLY think Americans will give up their cars for a day or better yet, refuse to go in to work for a day (not all of us work jobs that will allow for that)? I agree wholelly with you Bruce, this would be a GREAT protest and a great idea, but it'd never happen.
Yeah!...this would be a GREAT protest and a great idea, but it'd never happen.

And the reason it'd never happen is that we are collectively the most spoiled people on the planet, and most people just aren't going to be willing to do without their car, even for one day. We'll whine and bellyache about it, but when it comes time for action....just ain't gonna happen.
We hav had no sound energy policy for the last 20 years, putting all our eggs in 1 basket, blame yourselves we keep putting the same ole guys in office it's all about money:eek: Being in the truckin business we have to have diesel and the big companies will not support a strike, it would only take a week toget the governments attention, and see if they would bail us out like tha airlines and railroads??? yes we get a surcharge but the prices move faster than the surcharge can adjust.

In Bama
Bottom line, buy a motorcycle, a hybrid, bicycle or walk, I bought a Harley, it's fuel injected, gets 50mpg. We are going to have to compromise because they know we will pay and will continue to collect. You can cry, complain, scream or whatever but it's here to stay, We have seen the last of 1.00-2.00 dollar a gallon gas.
Okay we don't buy gas one day......We will all have to buy it the day before or the next day or sometime that week so what does this do? How does it help? won't work that way. BUT, I think it will work this way.

The highest priced gas company, in a given area, should be found (Shell, Mobil, Conoco, etc) and NO ONE should buy gas from them until they drop their prices below the next highest company. If they drop their prices, then you find the new highest price company and boycott them until they lower their prices. And it just keeps going. This way we can keep buying the gas that we need but not from the highest priced company (and there will always be one company higher than the others). Hopefully, the price will start to come down as no company will want to be the highest priced company (and not have any customers). And that's the one which no one will patronize.

BUT...LOTS of people will have to participate.
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