My Premonition (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 8, 2006
Peoria, AZ
This came to me recently after a couple of drinks had relaxed me enough...

The facts...
1. Word has it Hot Rod is possibly on the market, as Steve-O was cleared to talk with Powers. (Kinda old news)

2. Valvoline went to DSR (older news)

3. Fast Jack is kicking butt in a funny car (Duh)

4. Tony Schumacher needs a teammate, but maybe Jack should stay in a funny car (Obviously)

Here is my best guess at a silly season shake-up

The possibilities:
1. Valvoline and Hot Rod are extremely close. He has the opportunity to join DSR as a teammate to the baddest hot rod in the world (without team orders being an issue). Stays in a fully funded Valvoline ride.

2. Don secures funding to keep Fast Jack in a FC with that crew, who is the hottest over the last few races.

3. Steve-O goes to Powers with some Torco support and will drive a Torco/Valvoline dragster.

Are you with me or against me? Am I in left field?
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This came to me recently after a couple of drinks had relaxed me enough...

The facts...
1. Word has it Hot Rod is possibly on the market, as Steve-O was cleared to talk with Powers. (Kinda old news)

2. Valvoline went to DSR (older news)

3. Fast Jack is kicking butt in a funny car (Duh)

4. Tony Schumacher needs a teammate, but maybe Jack should stay in a funny car (Obviously)

Here is my best guess at a silly season shake-up

The possibilities:
1. Valvoline and Hot Rod are extremely close. He has the opportunity to join DSR as a teammate to the baddest hot rod in the world (without team orders being an issue). Stays in a fully funded Valvoline ride.

2. Don secures funding to keep Fast Jack in a FC with that crew, who is the hottest over the last few races.

3. Steve-O goes to Powers with some Torco support and will drive a Torco/Valvoline dragster.

Are you with me or against me? Am I in left field?

Torco/Vavoline? I guess you haven't been keeping score since Indy.
Sounds reasonable ....

I thought Fast Jack brought his own funding? DHL and Mail Service something or other ...

Justin...Sometimes you really scare me...

You missed a great day of T&T at Speedworld was PERFECT! Got my license, FINALLY!! Felt great going 9.27-143 with a little squeeze and not getting kicked off the track for it!!

Everytime I peer into the inner workings of DSR and try to figure whats coming next..I get light headed and pass out. Cruised by the DSR Shop in Indy while with my brother on Hot Rod Magazine's Drag Week though...some seriously awesome digs they have over there!!

Pink's All Out at Firebird next week!! It's gonna be wild!!
Justin...Sometimes you really scare me...

I can agree with that - :D
From what I hear, no one at DSR has a clue what will happen next year (OK, maybe Shoe!). Fortunately, the National Time Trials at Firebird are only a little over seven weeks away! If you haven't been to this event, it's a great opportunity to get some up close time with your favorite fuel team.
Hopefully, someone will figure out how to prep the track and get the timing system to work - :rolleyes:
There's big deals being tossed around all the time.
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I think another question that needs to be raised is where does Todd O end up next year? One of the rumors on Comp plus was about a crew chief leaving DSR to work with a driver that he worked with in the past. If they are referring to Todd, then who is left to tune the third funny car? For the most part I think Justin's premonition sounds like it could be accurate.
Johnny, you are right... I wasn't thinking about that whole can of worms... I do pay attention, just forgot that detail.

Billy congrats... It is like the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other... Devil says, "You should squeeze this thing". Angel says, "Billy, you should really get your license". Billy says, "Let's see if I can get away with it without getting caught"... Now that you have your license the devil will say, "C'mon Billy, put some more juice to it, we could go in the 8's"...

The weather is cold and bone dry here, I wish I was racing with you yesterday. Santa needs to build toys, so the big toy is on the shelf for a few more weeks...
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Ace, Mike Neff, Alan Johnson, Todd and Phil, Steve Tartaglia and also Richie all know what is going on next year. See all of you at testing and you will begin to know what is going on then.
Ace, Mike Neff, Alan Johnson, Todd and Phil, Steve Tartaglia and also Richie all know what is going on next year. See all of you at testing and you will begin to know what is going on then.

There all getting a Pink Slip for Christmas...:D

Sorry Don I couldn't resist.

I think another question that needs to be raised is where does Todd O end up next year? One of the rumors on Comp plus was about a crew chief leaving DSR to work with a driver that he worked with in the past. If they are referring to Todd, then who is left to tune the third funny car? For the most part I think Justin's premonition sounds like it could be accurate.

I believe that rumor was about Brian C. moving over with Mike Ashley's team. Technically, Ashley left and would be 'reunited' with Corradi, due to him being hired away from DSR.
Ace, Mike Neff, Alan Johnson, Todd and Phil, Steve Tartaglia and also Richie all know what is going on next year. See all of you at testing and you will begin to know what is going on then.
Are you saying they will be with team DSR or just that they know what is going on next year. I'm confused somewhat?
Are you saying they will be with team DSR or just that they know what is going on next year. I'm confused somewhat?

Doc - interesting that no drivers are mentioned in the Don's post! Guess we can hang out in the lanes with Shoe at Firebird and get the DSR 2007 picture!
Looking forward to seeing you and the Boyz! - Jim
If I recall the last press release posted on here about Whit. He quoted that DPR has ordered 3 new chassis. 2 for him and a back-up for Fuller. That
dosen't sound to me like he's going anywhere.
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