insight into the nitro situation (1 Viewer)

One comment and one question:

Comment: What a way for a VP of a company to get quoted.

Question: Think maybe there is a connection between 300 barrels and the $100k fine levied by the NHRA on Shoe?
I have no knowledge of the details in this situation but I can say this:
It sure appears as though there is much more going on behind the scenes regarding this fuel than we will ever know.
Maybe the "Don" should sell it directly to NHRA for $100,000 + interest :) What goes around, comes around !!
From Competition Plus Article - Schumacher said if there comes a point and time the official distributor runs out of nitro, he’ll step in, but only after the NHRA has revised their exclusive contract for nitromethane.

Personally, I don't see this as Don trying to make a buck, or hold racing hostage (as was quoted 4 times in the article). It's about free market, and when you have the same exact fuel, manufactured by the same company - who cares who it's purchased from (put's on speculation hat) unless someone's pockets are getting lined from "exclusive deals".

Does anyone know if or how much the pricing varies between the two?
Personally, I don't see this as Don trying to make a buck, or hold racing hostage (as was quoted 4 times in the article). It's about free market, and when you have the same exact fuel, manufactured by the same company - who cares who it's purchased from (put's on speculation hat) unless someone's pockets are getting lined from "exclusive deals".

Does anyone know if or how much the pricing varies between the two?

I agree Brian ! This is nothing more than buisness politics and VP is crying foul because they can't provide the product their contract calls for.
I think Don is doing the right thing and don't fault him for his logic.
If I was Don Schumacher I'd tell that knucklehead from VP to get down on his knees and pucker up and kiss my ass. They created this problem themselves it seems. They're the official supplier, it's not on anybody else's shoulders but theirs to acquire the nitro for them to sell to the teams. I guess they didn't do enough planning on the supply side of the equation. You sure as hell can't sell what you don't have. I do know this much, I will never buy or use a VP product as long as I have any choice in the matter.
If I was Don Schumacher I'd tell that knucklehead from VP to get down on his knees and pucker up and kiss my ass. They created this problem themselves it seems. They're the official supplier, it's not on anybody else's shoulders but theirs to acquire the nitro for them to sell to the teams. I guess they didn't do enough planning on the supply side of the equation. You sure as hell can't sell what you don't have. I do know this much, I will never buy or use a VP product as long as I have any choice in the matter.


As a Railroad Instructor by trade (at work now) the #1 lesson I preach to new railroad employees, is "Don't sh-t where you eat".

NHRA took a big steaming pile with this whole "Exclusive Supplier" crap, and now that VP can't deliver, and they screwed Don with the whole "Nitrogate" mess, he decided to play hardball and rammed it up their asses. And ya know what I think about the whole deal as far as Don goes??

God Bless him!

I find this highly amusing. After reading that ridiculous rant by Gray (and Graham Light is a spineless PUSS!!), I found myself laughing at the thought of Don sitting back grinning like a sh-t eating monkey. And Gray threatening the sport with cancelled events? Sounds like a desperation cry to me. Who REALLY "doesn't give a sh-t about Drag Racing" Gray?? Grow some balls dude and admit you and NHRA blew it.

CLASSIC. Way to go Don! :cool:
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It is hard to form a good opinion of Mr Gray from that article.

No it's not, he's a desperate MORON who let his mouth over ride his brain. Like Brent said, you can't sell what you don't have. He thought he could cut a fat hog in the ass and make a bigger deal than he could produce. Guess what? That failed like a French missle.
I love it. First DSR is in trouble for having it. OH shame, that'll cost you 100K. Now it's, Hey we want it, so you gotta sell it to we can sell it.

Just another example of how it's bad to have the "OFFICAL" this, and "OFFICAL" that. Open competition brings lower cost + better product.

Don't sell Don.
I'm not the brightest light bulb out there but, does that gabroni from VP actually expect us to think he and his company + NHRA are the VICTIMS here? That whole article is beyond my relm of comprehension. By the way, good to have you back on here Zapman!!!!!!!!!!!

Don is also selling his product to the racers at a cheaper price. This the direct opposite of the normal action of a company in control of a supply and demand situation. (oil producers) Thanks to his understanding of the costs a team owner has to endure.
I believe that Dow backed out because Don was providing Nitro at $400 per drum cheaper than Dow wanted to charge. They were the only supplier for over 40 years until the Chinese showed up. The Homeland issue was a "red herring" for Dow to get out.
Maybe NHRA will have to subsidize to Dow the $400 that Don was saving the racers to have Fuel for their races.
Don can sell his product to IHRA & Match Racers (Classic N/FC too),so that we can provide the Nitro fix the the fans!
NHRA can have the Alky & Gas burners for their show.
Or maybe throw VP "under the bus" & pay Don a $100,000 Fee to provide Nitro.;)
I wonder if VP agreed to sell the Nitro at a set (and lower cost) if Don would sell them any then?
It is hard to form a good opinion of Mr Gray from that article.

LOL As soon as I saw the name Wade Gray, I had to laugh. This guy is a complete id.. well I guess I better not say. :rolleyes: I have had a few talks with this guy in the past about things that has nothing to do with NHRA. I cringe whenever that name comes up. Some of us RC racers really have had a hell of a time with him. Good for a laugh , that's about it. :) Don't take what he says too seriously.
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Just speculation:

Suppose you were representing an American manufacturer of nitro and together you became the official supplier of fuel to a sanctioning body by paying a "fee" for each barrel sold. To keep some happy, you hire your previous competitor who brings his Chinese brand of nitro with him. After a short time you notice you make a bigger profit with the Chinese brand and start pushing it over your American brand. As the American brand supplier what would you do?

Over time you get greedy or through mismanagement, you keep raising the price to your consumers and they find other sources. In the meantime, you are falling behind in payment to your Chinese supplier and the amount in arrears is approaching a cool million. As your Chinese supplier, what are your options? Especially when there are at least three other importers of nitro that will buy your product and pay their invoices on time. And these importers have viewed large wharehouses filled with drums of nitro ready to ship.

It seems there is only a shortage of nitro with one company, and that company created their situation. It will affect the sanctioning body, but they have talked to other suppliers that can pay their "fee" and still sell a 52 gallon drum of 100% nitro for $900.00 and make a profit. Others refuse to pay the "fee" and want open and fair competition among suppliers, which should be the American way.

Again, this is all just speculation on my part. Any similarities to real situations or actual people is just a coincidence and should not be taken as fact.
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