For those who liked the Hawaiian artwork (1 Viewer)

Diamond Dave

Nitro Member
Jul 26, 2006
Glendale Ca
I thought I'd show you this... A lot of you seem to want to see old but updated paint schemes on new bodies.I occasionally want to repaint a scale F/C model so I do some sketches to see what I'd like and this was one of them:


I thought I'd show you this... A lot of you seem to want to see old but updated paint schemes on new bodies.I occasionally want to repaint a scale F/C model so I do some sketches to see what I'd like and this was one of them:



Really nice work. I am an artist too (not computer skilled enough), but I have to do it the old way (paint & brush). There must be a ton of "classic" paint jobs that would be cool to see again. I hope some of the Pros that frequent this board take notice of you work.
Damn , I say you print them on some t-shirts and sell them.
I'll buy a couple of each
I like the way you don't add all the silly background like they do on t-shirts now.
The art work gets lost with names , sponsors and drivers faces.
Keep up the great work
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Hi Dave...

Freakin beautiful work!
My desktop at work has never looked so good!!

We're not worthy

Awesome again, you make the art challenged wish we'd played with our crayons more as kids:D

The coolest F/C ever (in my opinion) was the Green Elephant Vega campained by Jim Green in the 70s. I'd love to see a re-do of that on an up to date car. I would make that my desktop forever.
That "Pure Hell" car was one of my all time favorites. So glad you picked that one.
Do you take requests.:D If so, what do you think one of "Big John" Mazmanian's would cars look like? I realize that there wasn't a lot of detail work but they didn't need it. What he did with the forever popular color of candy apple red & the gold leaf lettering made for some of the most beautiful cars of the day, & for all time really. Sure would be nice to see it on one of today's F/C's.
RIP John & thanks for the many memories..............."HIP"
I'm wondering the same thing Dave, could you do one of my dad's funny car, the one that is in my avatar? I could send you some more photos of it through the e-mail, if you are interested e-mail me at [email protected] and I will send you all the photos I have of my dad's funny car. It is a 1969 Camaro, so use whatever late body you prefer, but a 2002 Camaro would be cool, unless you think you could do a prototype 2009, now that would really be bitchen.......................let me know.......Perry Jr.
Dave, I love these renderings. I sketch, myself, but never learned how to use markers, color pencils, etc. Is this a computer program you use to plug in the paint schemes? Any way you do it, they are sharp.
Wow, so much talent. I can't even draw a straight line..Good thing I can drive in one,lol..
Awesome work!
WOW Dave, I'm amazed every time I open one of your posts. I too am an airbrush artist, but your work truly amazes me. If you get bored, you can do the C&H car in my avatar.:D

Thanks again for sharing your work with us!
Dave, your work is absolutely incredible ! I think Kenny Bernstien as well as Don Schumacher and several others are certainly taking notice ! I have forwarded all photos that I pocess of the "Super Camaro" have fun.........Perry Jr.
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