Cool youtube find Hidden Heroes:The Kalitta's (1 Viewer)

Thank you for posting that. I'd not seen it in many years even though I have a copy of the episode. Randy, who was working with Scott, is my son. Sadly, Robert (who worked with them) and Indian the engine builder, as well as Scott are all gone now. Those boys sure did have a lot of fun though. In fact, I'm still amazed none of them ended up in the slammer!!
This is fantastic. I've never seen this. My gosh this brings back memories for me.... Tim & Dougie look like youngsters!
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I just finished watching all these videos and sent Randy a text that I wished we were 22 again! Those were some fun times. Was the tall guy with the curly hair's name Tim? I'm drawing a complete blank.

Thank you so much for posting them, I had tears of joy and sadness and miss the good ole days of drag racing.

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